Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Products Were Made from Whales in the 1800s
We all know that men set forth in sailing ships and risked their lives to harpoon whales on the open seas throughout the 1800s. And while Moby Dick and other tales have made whaling stories immortal, people today generally dont appreciate that the whalers were part of a well-organized industry. The ships that set out from ports in New England roamed as far as the Pacific in hunt of specific species of whales. Adventure may have been the draw for some whalers, but for the captains who owned whaling ships, and the investors which financed voyages, there was a considerable monetary payoff. The gigantic carcasses of whales were chopped and boiled down and turned into products such as the fine oil needed to lubricate increasing advanced machine tools. And beyond the oil derived from whales, even their bones, in an era before the invention of plastic, was used to make a wide variety of consumer goods. In short, whales were a valuable natural resource the same as wood, minerals, or petroleum we now pump from the ground. Oil From Whale’s Blubber Oil was the main product sought from whales, and it was used to lubricate machinery and to provide illumination by burning it in lamps. When a whale was killed, it was towed to the ship and its blubber, the thick insulating fat under its skin, would be peeled and cut from its carcass in a process known as â€Å"flensing.†The blubber was minced into chunks and boiled in large vats on board the whaling ship, producing oil. The oil taken from whale blubber was packaged in casks and transported back to the whaling ship’s home port (such as New Bedford, Massachusetts, the busiest American whaling port in the mid-1800s). From the ports it would be sold and transported across the country and would find its way into a huge variety of products. Whale oil, in addition to be used for lubrication and illumination, was also used to manufacture soaps, paint, and varnish. Whale oil was also utilized in some processes used to manufacture textiles and rope. Spermaceti, a Highly Regarded Oil A peculiar oil found in the head of the sperm whale, spermaceti, was highly prized. The oil was waxy, and was commonly used in making candles. In fact, candles made of spermaceti were considered the best in the world, producing a bright clear flame without an excess of smoke. Spermaceti was also used, distilled in liquid form, as an oil to fuel lamps. The main American whaling port, New Bedford, Massachusetts, was thus known as The City That Lit the World. When John Adams was the ambassador to Great Britain before serving as president he recorded in his diary a conversation about spermaceti he had with the British Prime Minister William Pitt. Adams, keen to promote the New England whaling industry, was trying to convince the British to import spermaceti sold by American whalers, which the British could use to fuel street lamps. The British were not interested. In his diary, Adams wrote that he told Pitt, â€Å"the fat of the spermaceti whale gives the clearest and most beautiful flame of any substance that is known in nature, and we are surprised you prefer darkness, and consequent robberies, burglaries, and murders in your streets to receiving as a remittance our spermaceti oil.†Despite the failed sales pitch John Adams made in the late 1700s, the American whaling industry boomed in the early to mid-1800s. And spermaceti was a major component of that success. Spermaceti could be refined into a lubricant that was ideal for precision machinery. The machine tools that made the growth of industry possible in the United States were lubricated, and essentially made possible, by oil derived from spermaceti. Baleen, or Whalebone The bones and teeth of various species of whales were used in a number of products, many of them common implements in a 19th century household. Whales are said to have produced â€Å"the plastic of the 1800s.†The bone of the whale which was most commonly used wasn’t technically a bone, it was baleen, a hard material arrayed in large plates, like gigantic combs, in the mouths of some species of whales. The purpose of the baleen is to act as a sieve, catching tiny organisms in sea water, which the whale consumes as food. As baleen was tough yet flexible, it could be used in a number of practical applications. And it became commonly known as whalebone. Perhaps the most common use of whalebone was in the manufacture of corsets, which fashionable ladies in the 1800s wore to compress their waistlines. One typical corset advertisement from the 1800s proudly proclaims, â€Å"Real Whalebone Only Used.†Whalebone was also used for collar stays, buggy whips, and toys. Its remarkable flexibility even caused it to be used as the springs in early typewriters. The comparison to plastic is apt. Think of common items which today might be made of plastic, and its likely that similar items in the 1800s would have been made of whalebone. Baleen whales do not have teeth. But the teeth of other whales, such as the sperm whale, would be used as ivory in such products as chess pieces, piano keys, or the handles of walking sticks. Pieces of scrimshaw, or carved whales teeth, would probably be the best remembered use of whales teeth. However, the carved teeth were created to pass the time on whaling voyages and were never a mass production item. Their relative rarity, of course, is why genuine pieces of 19th century scrimshaw are considered to be valuable collectibles today.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Historical Conflict Between Palestine And Israel - 1176 Words
On the 13th of September, 1993, a seldom moment between Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Liberation Organisation Chairman, Yasser Arafat marked a context in history. The Oslo Peace Accords had been written and signed by the two leaders – the newly found peace, marked with a single handshake. Unfortunately, this ideal of a non-violent and diplomatic future did not prevail. The peace process between Palestine and Israel failed due to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, subsequent to the handshake signalling the agreement. The continuity of this conflict initially caused by sovereignty and ultranationalism, has resulted in a current inability for both Palestine and Israel to come to terms with an agreeable, nonviolent, two state solution. The historical conflict between Palestine and Israel, the significance of the handshake, reactions, Rabin’s assassination and effects, as well as the current situation between Palestine and Israel will be discussed in order to account for the failure of the peace process. Firstly, the historical conflict between Palestine and Israel is both complex and extensive. In 1882, the Zionist movement sought to identify a place whereby Jewish people could create settlements. To the Jewish, Palestine appeared as the most optimal and logical place as it holds the site of Jewish Origin – Jerusalem. During the diaspora of World War 2, an increase in Jewish migration to Palestine created consciousness for the Palestinians. PreludingShow MoreRelatedIsrael Palestine Panel Reflection Paper852 Words  | 4 Pages Israel-Palestine Panel Reflection I grew up in a world with little insight into the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives Free Essays
Livery cab driver killings  the challenge that New York City had to combat and a situation that allowed authorities to prove that they were doing their job. The killing of livery cab drivers was a time that united the people of New York (Rashbaum, 2000). Livery cab driver killings had been a major problem in New York for over 30 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every year, policemen and the government had to deal with countless investigations to provide justice for dozens of killed drivers each year. Not only were the livery cab drivers killed  they were also robbed (Rashbaum, 2000). The people who had enough means and power to do something about it, like the government and the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, did something about it, and here are as follows: The New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers led by Fernando A. Mateo employed several safety measures to reduce livery cab driver killings. Mateo and his subordinates obliged all livery cab drivers to put bulletproof partitions inside the livery cabs. Because of this, the livery cab drivers were divided into parts where the livery cab driver was protected from his passenger who may have been a potential robber or murderer, through a wall or divider. While the wall or divider, or what the federation technically terms as partition, can prevent robbery, it obviously may not keep the livery cab drivers from murder at all since bullets can pass through walls. This possibility was a major concern of the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers. To counterattack what was left of the problem, the federation ordered livery cab drivers to use bulletproof partitions. Bulletproof material prevented the livery cab drivers from getting shot. To further make this protective measure effective, livery cab drivers were ordered to close the partitions all the time. While it was true bulletproof material was used as a shield from gun shots and other means of killing, these partitions still made a driver susceptible to killing once it is left open. The use of surveillance cameras was also ordered by the city and the federation. Through this, a livery cab driver was given the chance to put another eye at the passenger’s area. The driver can readily see the potential harms a passenger may do even before he does it. A passenger, for example, who releases a gun from his bag, will be readily seen by the driver. The time the potential murderer is releasing a gun is also the time a driver can call the police or employ other preventive measures to protect his own life. That time, every time a driver became suspicious of a passenger, he can readily report it to the policemen who were monitoring him through a secret alarm system. The city’s mayor, Rudolph W. Giuliani, showed his support for these safety measures by providing each livery cab driver with enough financial assistance. The city released $5 million worth of protection equipment. Each livery cab driver in New York City was given $325. This amount of money served as an assistance to pay for the needed equipment like partitions and bulletproofing. Surveillance cameras cost $700. This means that the city paid for half the total expense of a driver for one surveillance camera. If a driver chose to put up a partition inside his livery cab, then he may put up one which cost $275 on the average. The city, together with the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, employed other preventive and protective measures without the use of material things. The city revised its law regarding the punishment for liver cab driver killers and robbers. Tougher sanction was applied in which another two to three years were added to the years a convict will have to spend in jail. Police decoy was also widely used. This was another preventive and protective measure to investigate murder and robbery cases more efficiently. With the use of police decoy, an officer pretended to be a livery cab driver. He went around the neighborhood to get passengers and picked up their fares. This was an effective step since robbery and murder reduced from 2,000 to 455 cases. The efficient investigation allowed for this impressive change in the statistics. Aside from police decoys who served as patrols, protection was maximized especially when livery cab drivers were required to stop at areas where there were police officers. These officers obliged drivers to pull over to see their current condition. The police officers ensure the safety and protection of drivers by checking the passengers. Police officers were able to prevent 50 possible livery cab driver killings by spotting 50 passengers with guns. Such intense conscious effort caused very pronounced victory than expected. Before 2000, no single year has passed without dozens of livery cab drivers being killed. When these aforementioned measures were employed, the year came when no single case of livery cab driver killing or robbery was reported. With this change in statistics, the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers and the government of New York City proved that with efficient action, achieving a goal becomes possible. Because of this, the federation and the city became more inspired with employing more measures to totally alleviate killings so that such victory won’t last for only a year. To maintain positive changes, the federation and the government worked hand in hand to put up tracking systems for the drivers. This way, the drivers were always monitored. The police tracked down the whereabouts of every livery cab driver. Adolfo Carrion, Jr., New York City’s councilman, was willing to co-sponsor this to further improve livery cab driver killings. In 2000, statistics dramatically changed from drastic to impressive when it comes to cases of killings. Every livery cab driver did not just begin to feel safer and more secured with his job  his children and wife patiently waiting at home were finally able to sleep soundly at night. All they needed to wait for was a goodnight kiss from their father. References: Michaelluo. (2004). Police Measures Avert Livery Cab Killings. New York Times. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/07/nyregion/07livery.html ?ei=5007en=f4b0e5806c7261cex=1391576400adxnnl=1partner= USERLANDadxnnlx=11143479799ScWbxozk+DIlE+9e5ddS Rashbaum, W. K. (2000). After Deaths, City Plans Millions for Livery Cab Safety. The New York Times. Retrieved December 1, 2007 from http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html ?res=950CE2DA1631F936A25757C0A9669C8B63    How to cite Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Project Management Technique For Wal-Mart †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Project Management Technique For Wal-Mart. Answer: Introduction The project that is selected for the application of theproject management technique in this report is that of the development of the website for the Wal-Mart in their business that would be helping them to support the administration and the support of their talent resources. The Wal-Mart is American multinational companies that are famous for their retail business. They run large number of departments and also run a large number of warehouse stores. The company has over 200 million employees employed for their departments and also is one of the largest retailers of the world. The report is concerned with the stakeholders and the details of the stakeholders that are related to the project and are also associated with the project. Stakeholder Analysis For the analysis of the stakeholders to be done at first the identification of the stakeholders are to be done. The stakeholders list: INTERNAL EXTERNAL Affected by the Project Process Owner of the organization The project Manager of the project The employees involved in the project Project team Staffs of the company The software providers The domain providers The third party company Competitors Affected by the Project Result The workers of the company The sponsors of the company The human resource department of the company The stakeholder identification and the prioritization matrix: STAKEHOLDER: Owner STAKEHOLDER: Human Resource Department STAKEHOLDER: Project Manager STAKEHOLDER: Employees What is important to this Stake Holder The owner of the company has the most important requirement for this project. The project would help the owner of the company to manage the resources that are in place for the organization and ultimately help them to increase the efficiency of the company and reduce the cost for the company. The human resource would also feel the project to be of utmost importance for them as this would help them in managing the human resources of the company quite well. The project manager would be playing a very important role in the project as he would be working as the leader of the project. The employees are one of the most important stakeholders for this project as they would be interested in the appraisal and the evaluation from the websites. Power The owner of the company has the most power for the company and also has the ultimate say on the project. (10) The power of the human resource department would not be much but they would be the ones that would be affected by the implementation of the website.(5) The power of the project manager would be quite high but his power would not be the highest though. (8) The power of the employees would be the least for the project. (5) Interest The owner has the most interest on the project as the project would directly affect the business of the owner. (10) The interest of the human resource department would also be very high. (8) The interest of the project manager would be quite high but not same as that of the owner or the HR department. (7) The interest of the employees would be very high for the project. (10) Influence The owner would have a very small influence on the overall project but he would be having the ultimate say on the project. (5) The human resource department would not have much of an influence on the project. (5) The project manager would be having the most influence on the project and would be having the direct influence on the project. (10) The influence of the employees on the project would be low comparatively. (5) Impact The owner would be impacting on the project as he would be one taking ht e most important decisions in the project. (7) The impact of the human resource department on the project would be quite low. (5) The impact of the project manager on the project would be quite high. (8) The employees would be having a the most impact on the project as they would be responsible for the completion of the project on time and with the allotted budget.(10) Urgency The owner would be having the maximum urgency as the completion of the project would enable the owner to profit from the project. (8) Although, the urgency would not be as high as the owners but they would be having a high rate of urgency for the project to be completed. (8) The project manager would be having the equal amount of influence on the project as that of the owner and the HR department. (8) The urgency of the employees would also be the most for the project. (10) Legitimacy The owner is the most legitimate stakeholder in the project. (10) The legitimacy of the human resource department would be quite high. (7) The legitimacy for the project manager would be quite high on the project. (8) The employees would be having a variable legitimacy for the project. (5) Total 50 33 49 45 Priority: Although the owner would not have the maximum priority but he would be having sufficient amount of priority. The HR department has a high priority but not has high as the rest The project manager is second in the list of priorities. The priority of the employees for the project is also quite high for the project. The alternate breaks for the project stakeholder matrix are provided below: SATKEHOLDER INTEREST IN PROJECT PRIORITY SUPPORT/MIGRATION STRATEGIES Staffs of the company High interest Key Supports the project team The sponsors for the project High interest Key Provides the fund for the project. The software providers Low interest Other Provide the software support for the project The domain providers Low interest Other The domain providers would be provide the domain services for the project. The third party vendors Low interest Other The third party vendors would aid the project externally. Project decision making guide Project Method When The Decision of the Sponsor The sponsor decides the project is viable for funding or not. The Decision of the Owner The owner takes the important decisions for the project. The Decision of the Project Manager The project manger will take the immediate decisions for the project. The decisions of the employees The technicians would be taking the important decisions regarding the technicalities in the project. Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix Stakeholders Unaware Resistance Neutral Supportive Leading Project manager C D Sponsor C D CEO C D Owner C D Communication Matrix Project communication plan Purpose Structure Methods Timing Discussing Project goal The existing organizational structure Meeting Conferences Email Weekly basis Setting of direction organizational structure Meeting Daily Cost management organizational structure Meeting Weekly Benefits of the project organizational structure Meeting Weekly Change management organizational structure Meeting Monthly Project meeting agenda Project team: Please fill Date: Please fill Time: Please fill Place: Please fill Purpose of the project documentation: The purpose for the discussion of the project is about the implementation of the website for the company so that they can evaluate the performances of the employees and can easily keep track of them. Topic for discussion: The discussions would be about the domain requirements of the website that is required by the company. Review agenda: The website that is to be implemented is to be reviewed. Summary: After the meeting was conducted the decision about the resource provider and the resource provider were discussed in the meeting and the providers were decided upon after the meeting. Meeting evaluation: The meeting would be conducted in the presences of the chairman headed by the CEO of the company. Issue to be discussed in the meeting Plus (+) Delta () The benefits of the website would be discussed. There are requirements for the expenses regarding the maintenance of the website. The benefits of the evaluation system would also be discussed. The evaluation system might also hamper the mentality of the company. Bibliography Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Heldman, K., 2015.PMPproject management professional exam deluxe study guide: updated for the 2015 Exam. John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013. Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Leach, L.P., 2014.Critical chain project management. Artech House. Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International journal of project management,32(2), pp.202-217. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Wastewater Treatment Essays - Sewerage, Environmental Engineering
Wastewater Treatment The reason for me doing this report is because I could not attend class enough to grasp the concept of Wastewater Treatment. This report is an overview of each stage of the treatment of sewage. I have included a diagram of a typical sewage plant. A) Primary Treatment The wastewater that enters a treatment plant contains debris that might clog or damage the pumps and machinery. The material is removed by screens, and is burned or buried. The wastewater then passes through a comminutor (grinder), where all the organic material such as leaves are mushed smaller so that they can be removed later. 1) Grit Chamber Back in the day, long narrow channel-shaped settling tanks, known as grit chambers, were used to remove all the inorganic substances like sand, silt, gravel, and cinders. These chambers were made to allow inorganic particles 0.008 in. or bigger to settle at the bottom while the smaller particles and most of the organic material that remain in suspension pass through. Today, spiral-flow aerated grit chambers with hopper bottoms, or clarifiers with automatic scrapper arms are used. The grit is removed and disposed of as sanitary landfill. Grit build up can reach from 3 to 8 cubic feet per1 million gallons of wastewater. 2) Sedimentation With the grit removed, the wastewater goes into a sedimentation tank, where the organic materials removed. The method of sedimentation can remove about 20 to 40 percent of the biochemical oxygen demand and 40 to 60 percent of the suspended solids. The big boys in the industry use a chemical process known as coagulation and flocculation in the sedimentation tank. I really don't know much about this subject so I'm going to move on. 3) Flotation The alternative to sedimentation is a treatment called flotation, in which air is forced into the wastewater under pressures of 25 to 50 lbs per sq. in. The wastewater, is compressed with air, is then released into an open tank ; there the rising air bubbles cause the suspended solids to rise to the surface, where the are wisked away. Flotation can remove more than 75 percent of the suspended solids. 4) Digestion Digestion is a microbiological process that changes the chemically complex sludge to methane, carbon dioxide, and a harmless fertilizer. The reactions occur in a closed tank or digestor that is oxygen deficient. The transformation happens after a series of reactions. First the solid matter is made soluble by enzymes, then the substance is fermented by a group of acid-producing bacteria, reducing it to simple organic acids such as acetic acid. The organic acids are then resolved to methane and carbon dioxide by bacteria. The sludge that is to thick is heated and added to the digester as many times as possible, where it sits for 10 to 30 days and is decomposed. Digestion reduces organic matter by 45 to 60 percent. 5) Drying The digested sludge is place on sand beds for air drying. Air drying needs dry, warm weather for it to work. Some plants have shelters over the sand beds. Dried sludge in most cases is used as a fertilizer because of the 2 percent nitrogen and 1 percent phosphorus content. B) Secondary Treatment After removing 40 to 60 percent of the suspended solids and 20 to 40 percent of the BOD5 in the primary stage by physical resources, the secondary treatment biologically reduces the organic material that stayed in the liquid stream. Secondary treatment contains keeping and speeding up nature's process of waste disposal. Aerobic bacteria in the oxygen change the organic matter to stable forms such as CO2 , water, nitrates, and phosphates. The new organic material that is made is an indirect result of biological treatment processes, and is removed before the wastewater is dumped into the streams. 1) Trickling Filter In this process, a waste stream is sent over a bed or column of some type of porous medium. A sticky film of microorganisms coats the medium and acts as the removal agent. The organic matter in the waste stream is absorbed by the film and changed to carbon dioxide and water. If the trickling filter step comes before the sedimentation stage it can remove about 85 percent of the BOD entering the plant. 2) Activated Sludge This stage is an aerobic process that adds sticky sludge particles that have millions of of actively growing bacteria stuck together by a gelatinous slime. Organic matter is assimilated by the floc and changed to aerobic output. The reduction of BOD varies between 60 to
Monday, November 25, 2019
Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Essays
Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Essays Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Paper Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Paper Essay Topic: Othello Explain the effect of dramatic techniques employed by Shakespeare in the construction of the pivotal Scene 3 in Act 3. Act 3 Scene 3 is one of the most important and pivotal scenes in Othello, where Iago speaks meticulously and thoroughly with Othello, planting the seeds of suspicion ad jealousy in Othello’s mind which ultimately leads to the tragic events that occur in the latter parts of the play. Shakespeare’s diction for Iago arouses the idea of suspicion and jealousy in Othello; at first, Iago speaks only the word â€Å"jealousy†(167) fixing it into Othello’s imagination then reminds Othello of Desdemona’s deception of her own father â€Å"She did deceive her father, marrying you, / And when she seemed to shake and fear your looks, / She loved them most†further planting seeds of suspicion into Othello’s mind as the implication is clear, where Shakespeare’s choice of words, does not need Iago to state it’s true meaning: If Desdemona can deceive her own flesh and blood, she can easily deceive her husband. However, as soon as Iago states his thoughts with Othello, he back tracks what he says â€Å"But I am much to blame. / I humbly do beseech you of your pardon / For too much loving you†bringing about once again Iago’s duplicitous nature. Dramatic irony is used not only in Act 3, Scene 3 but throughout the entire play. Iago is constantly referred to as honest, however time and time again, Iago lies, playing with his words to seek out his own revenge. Shakespeare writes â€Å" Also, Shakespeare uses the technique of foreshadowing†¦ Desdemona’s lines at the beginning of the scene are prophetic: â€Å"thy solicitor shall rather die / Than give thy cause away. †(27-8) This reminds the audience / reader that this play is in fact a tragedy alluding to the idea that most characters are bound to fall. Furthermore, Othello says â€Å"Perdition catch my soul†¦ / Chaos is come again†(90-2) there is an element of prophecy in this statement, as, metaphorically, damnation will soon catch Othello, whilst chaos will soon replace order in his life. During Othello’s soliloquy, Shakespeare uses a rage of imagery emphasising the appalling change in Othello. There is only one thing Othello is certain, that is the â€Å"exceeding honesty†(260) of Iago, another example of dramatic irony. The end of the scene is the climax of Othello, as Othello, convinced of his wife’s infidelity, is fixed in his course, to seek â€Å"a capable and wide revenge†(460) on Desdemona ensuring the disastrous endings of this tragedy unavoidable. Othello makes a black vow with Iago
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Relating Of Finance Available For Marc Day And SwapgameCom Essay
Relating Of Finance Available For Marc Day And SwapgameCom - Essay Example SwapGame is famed for being the first company in the UK to offer video game rental online, as well as give customers the prospect, to retain the games they hire for low pre-played price. It is currently also the pioneer company, to offer online trade-in service, offering gamers with a suitable means to trade in their unwanted games for instant credit, to reduce the price they pay for fresh games. Throughout the UK, Swap Game service has evolved in the past six, and still aspires to offer the unlimited best worth gaming, and service to its customers. Conversely, Business Link is an online resource for businesses and is government owned. It holds vital information, support and services for people’s businesses both larger and smaller ones, established and starting ones. It involves useful online paraphernalia such as calculators and best practical case studies and also broad support. There are several sources that Swap Game can use to raise funds for its starting up as well as it s expansion. These sources can be either internal or external. Internal sources surface from retained profits while external sources are obtained from other outside sources. These sources include banks, owner’s savings, hire purchase, leasing and mortgaging when starting, in 2008, and the other forms such trade credits and sale and leaseback as well as grants for expansion, in 2010. Others such as debt collection and sale of assets are also suitable means to raise funds to begin the swap game business.... These sources include banks, owner’s savings, hire purchase, leasing and mortgaging when starting, in 2008, and the other forms such trade credits and sale and leaseback as well as grants for expansion, in 2010. Internal sources of finance The sources identified for 2008, are appropriate and easily achievable, as the funds such as savings come from the owner, and a viable business plan can earn the business loans from the banks, to start up. Others such as debt collection and sale of assets are also suitable means to raise funds to begin the swap game business. For expansion, in 2010 the sources identified are appropriate since they will need an established company so as to consider them for loans and funding. This includes companies such as Spong, game and eurogamer.net, who are partners and funders of SwapGame. Businesses need funds in order to operate. In some cases, the business cannot raise the required funds to satisfy it needs. It is crucial for businesses to have diffe rent sources, for raising income (Newman, 2010, 146). The advantage of using the internal sources of income is that, the business will be debt free, and will save money by avoiding the payment of interest required when external sources are used. Internal sources, however, are not readily available for the users, and in most cases, the funds raised internally are inadequate for the intended purpose. Internal sources also limit the business ion that the funds raised are not large amounts, which can satisfy the adequately cater for the business needs. In the case where internal finances are not sufficient, the business needs to employ external bodies to ensure that they rise the finances required
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why Death Penalty Should Be Abandoned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why Death Penalty Should Be Abandoned - Essay Example First, the death penalty puts innocent lives at risk. The above is so due to inadequate legal presentation in court. As a result even though not guiltily, some end up in death penalty thus losing their lives for mistakes not done. In the US, since 1976, about 138 innocent people have been saved from death row. Also, one the most frequent causes of reversals in capital punishment cases is ineffective assistance of counsel. For instance, a study at Columbia University showed that 68% of death penalty cases were reversed on appeal, due to inadequate defense. Accordingly, to execute an innocent person is morally reprehensible thus a risk that should not be taken. Also despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has said that people with mental retardation should not be persecuted, research has shown that one percent of those executed in the US since 1977 are mentally ill. Many mentally ill defendants are unable to take part in their trials in an efficient way and appear un-engaged, cold , and unfeeling before the jury. Some are even forcefully medicated to make them competent to for execution (Haines,1999). Second, Racism and social class inequality also plays a role in the provision of the death penalty. Research has indicated that injustice is practiced on race and social class, as far as the death sentence provision is concerned.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Common Core State Standards Of Political Debate Research Paper
Common Core State Standards Of Political Debate - Research Paper Example It is recommended here that the information is used by allotting transparency measures. The government can place their respective reporting of the use of information regarding insider trading laws. Analysis: Voters ID Opponent Supporter Voter ID does not allow the poor people to be a part of the election because not everyone can afford to have federal passports as they are costly. There is another issue regarding voter seat in a different city which requires them to show the affidavit before voting. This is a lengthy process. It is the best way to make sure that there are no frauds in the election process. This will also bring uniformity in the election where all citizens can enjoy same rights and levels of service. Technologically advanced countries should have such services for its citizens (Spakovsky). Application: Voter IDs can be made online for each citizen because nowadays almost everyone has an access to computers. People who cannot afford to access online can take help from the social services and welfare departments to create voter ID. Government bailouts of corporations with the taxpayers money GE, Solyndra, Sun Power, GM etc., Opponent Supporter The money that could be used in order to initiate better programs for employment should never be used for bailing out the private corporations from getting bankrupt. Once these companies have already failed to meet their goals, it is predicted that they will fail yet again (MacDonald). In order to make sure that people continue working at the organizations and to maintain the overall GDP rate, the government can play its respective goal of helping corporations going towards bankruptcy by baling them out. Application: Government can keep a minimum amount of money that could be used for bailing out. Excessive money should not be paid to help the corporations. It is rather recommended that some of the assets of the corporation are put on legal auctions.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Appropriateness Of Tesco Enterprises Information Systems Information Technology Essay
Appropriateness Of Tesco Enterprises Information Systems Information Technology Essay The world is fast becoming a global village. The systems used to collect informations yesterday are different from those used today. More advanced and competitive information system are being produce everyday. Every business no matter how small, like a small retailer store, depends on high technology to store data. To them now it is a living tool and the still keep their doors open to welcome new form of change in information systems. Information system has now become the bread of life in every organizational operation. This paper is going to expatiate more on how information system operates to enhance business in our world today. Tesco enterprise will be use as the yard stick to better understand the development of Information systems. Findings 2.1 Information Systems. Definition. According to Kenneth and Jane Laudon, Information systems can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect to retrieve process, stores, distributes information to support decision making and control on an organization. Information systems are the systems of persons, data records and activities that process the data of information in a given organization, either through manual processes or automated processes. This system is consist of people, procedures, softwares, hardwares and data that helps in effective decision making. Philip Kotler says A marketing information system consist of people, equipments and procedures to gather, sort and analyze, evaluate and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to marketing decision makers. According to Erik BOHLIN, Stranford L. LEVIN, Nakil SUNG, Chang-HO YOON (2004), the effect of information technology systems on globalization, innovation, growth and productivity are immense. Information technology system has contributed immensely to the globalization of production and capital markets by reducing cost of information and communication. They stated that technology has made it easier for multinationals and other companies to spread production facilities all over the world, to coordinate international marketing campaigns and to ease collaboration in projects taking place in different continents. There are various types of information systems such as Office Information system, database management system, Decision supporting system and transaction processing system. Information systems are normally created to perform task for which the human brain can not handle well enough some of these task are controlling many business processes simultaneously, performing complex calculations and storing large amount of information. Many businesses invest huge amounts of money in information systems for the following reasons; For rapid production of goods and services To develop excellent and effective communication skills. Improve decision making Have operational excellence For competitives advantages For survival Customer and supplier intimacy. It saves time and money and makes life easy and comfortable. Levels of management. There are three hierarchical levels of management on an organization; the senior level management, the middle level management and the operational level of management. Senior Level Management. This is the highest level of management. They are concern with making good and effective decisions for the development of the enterprise. They supply answers to questions about the long term plans of the company such as what kind of products will the company be producing in the next five years or what method will they apply to improve their business. There are many kinds of information systems that managers at this level can use in order to ease the work and quickly too, some of the systems are seen as follows: Executive Support System. (ESS) It is a reporting software which helps senior managers transform data into useful summarize reports. It allows them quick assess to reports coming from different levels and different departments in the company such as staffing, billing, cost allocation, scheduling and many others. ESS is most useful to senior managers like Chief Executive Officers in order to enable the make decision easily. ESS forecast the future. ESS relies highly on information MIS and DSS database for decision making. It can not work in isolation less the company becomes dysfunctional. Middle Management. The main duty of the managers at this level is to monitor the activities of the subordinates, collect information from junior management and reassemble them and give the feedbacks or report to those at the senior management team. Their reports help in strategic planning thus leading to effective decision making to achieve their objectives. They are responsible for implementing the senior managers policies and plans to the workers. They also need to ensure that employees are well motivated and should act responsibly in maintaining company values. Management Information System (MIS) This system is meant to serve mostly middle managers. It helps them regulate the various operations in an organization. It helps in the internal control procedures. MIS are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operation activities in the organization. OBrien, J (1999). MIS as a system : It is a system that makes available the right information to the right person (senior managers) at the right time, place, form and at the right cost. It monitors daily sales, profit and lost accounts. It gathers feedbacks and current reports. It also answers all day to day questions about the company. Inputs of MIS: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), this a process created to handle the companys relationship or contact with its customers. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). This is a system that helps managers coordinate all the resources information and functions of a business. Transaction Process Management (TPS). It records all daily routines in a company. Recommended softwares for MIS: Database retrieve application Service control manager- a component of Microsoft Windows operating System. Software Configuration Management (SCM) used to track down and control changes in softwares. Decision Support System (DSS). It a group of information systems that support businesses and organizations in decision making activities. It helps most the middle class managers to make quick and effective decisions. It helps middle managers compile important information from a combination of business models, raw data, personal knowledge or documents to solve problems and then take decisions. Functions of DSS. It helps to solve unpredicted problems such as non-routine issues. Deducts external information like price change, government change in tax. It gathers and inventory of current information assets including legacy, dataware house and data marts. It produces comparative sales figures different periods. Finally it presents revenue figures base on new products sales assumptions. Fundamental Components. Knowledge base User interface The model ( decision content and user criteria). Holsapple and Whinston (1996) classify DSS in to six frame works Text-oriented DSS Database-oriented DSS Spreadsheet-oriented DSS Solver-oriented DSS Rule-oriented DSS Compound-oriented DSS DSS support base system can be divided into three categories; Personal support Group support Organization support First line managers as operational managers. They control the day to day services in an organization. They focus on manageing the processes to produce and distribute products and services to customers. Transaction Process System. This system serves the operational level managers. It helps them trace the daily routine in the company for example sales entry and delivery. It also helps the managers to monitor status of operations in relation to external environment. 3. Appropriateness of TESCO Enterprise Information Systems. TESCO plc is Britains largest retailer enterprise. Tesco provides grocery homeshopping services, consumer goods, telecommunication and financial services online. Online shopping is a highly use information system in Tesco. This information system is the direct buying of goods and services over the internet or other computer networks. Through this system, many businesses have developed due to online competition services. There are other websites besides Tesco that offer hosting services for online stores and small retailers these are Yahoo, Amazon.com and eBay. A collection of online stores are known as Virtual Shopping Malls. Become.com helps online shoppers make the ideal decision on shopping online. That is their mission. Security Measures Definition These are steps taken to protect information and information systems from unauthorized users, access, disclosure disruption, modification and destruction. Security measures are meant to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Tesco has securing tags on its products. This is due to the rise of shoplifting caused by the economic crisis in the country. This was decided by the management team. Many UK businesses whether big or small, depend greatly on American District Telegraph (ADT) or simply ADT, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Digital Video Recorders (DVR) as a source of integrated electronic security system. Tesco is one of those convenience supermarkets that depend highly on the services provided by the above security systems. These security systems provide fast alarm responses to burglary, fire attacks, violence and unnecessary disturbances in Tesco. These security systems reduce a safe and convenient environment for Tesco customers. They help reduce crime wave, protect people and property. Tesco also applies the use of security codes in their online services. This is to ensure that the online customer placing the order is actually in possession of a credit/ Debit card and that the amount of money in the card is legitimate. All these procedures is to prevent Credit/ Debit card fraud Also to trace and track down thieves who are in possessions of other peoples cards through well advance information technology. BMT Micro security software makes sures no database after online transaction is stored during online payment so hackers will not find their way easily into peoples accounts. That is why codes are needed so is will be hard for them to trace. Card Security Code (CSC) or Card Verification Value is another security feature for credit/debit transaction online providing online security against fraudulent cards. Recommended information security. Unified Threat Management (UTM), this is to prevent intruders and softwares from affecting Tesco delicate networks less the loose their data informations. Antivirus is also needed to check Tesco computers for the presence of virus that may crash the computers and loss database information that have not yet been processed. These antivirus needs constant updates. . Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the latest internet base computer system whereby shared resources such as softwares and information are provided to computers. It describes a new suppliement, consumption and delivery Information Technology model services based on the internet. It helps provides easy access to remote computing site provide by the internet. It is a less expensive form of computing. It avoids capital expenditures on hardwares, softwares and services because the pay only provider for they use. Consumption is billed on subscription basis with no upfront cost. Benefits: Low barrier to entry. Share infrastructure and cost Low management overheads Immediate access to a broad range of applications. The contract can be terminated at any time. According to Nicholas Carr, the strategic importance of information technology is diminishing as it has become standardized and less expensive. Issues against Cloud Computing. Although cloud computing is a less expensive system of computing, enterprises may pay more on operating expenses. Cloud computing has been highly criticized for its lack of privacy between users and their hosting companies. They hosting companies may monitor at will the communication and data stored in their systems. For example the National Security Agency (NSA) that works with American Telephone and Telgraph (AT T) and Verizon Communications, monitors all their phones which make people insecure for lack of privacy. There is no security in cloud computing but the Cloud Computing Alliance has been form to promote security assurances. Tesco is not using cloud computing services. But they can subscribe for it so as to spend less on information technology system. Conclusion. From the above information, we have seen how important information systems are in the development of an organization as it is being applied at every managerial level in a business. So it is recommended that business owners should continue searching for more advance information systems that will help ease their supply and distribution chain. Recommendations. Information system is the only way for businesses to survive the pressure and competition that they are facing. If there is a any business that has not yet be highly connected to advance information systems, then that business should make a strategic plan about implementing cloud computing for a start because it is less expensive and will help the business save for future unforeseen circumstances. References OBrien, J (1999) Management Information Systems- Manageing Information Systems in the Internet work Enterprise. Boston. Irwin MC Graw-Hill. ISBN 0071123733. Kenneth and Jane Laudon, Managing the Digital Firm, 8th Ed. Kotler, Philip, Keller, Kevin Lane (2006), Marketing Management, 12th edition. Pearson Education. Erik BOHLIN, Stranford L. Levin, Nakil SUNG, Chang-HO YOON (2004) Global Economy and Digital Society. Elsevier , Amsterdam. Nichlas Carr, (2008) Clouds and Storms.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Vegetarianism Essay -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay
â€Å"Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.†stated Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, 460-377 BC (Silverstone 15). Every American should live by this quote, but things have drastically changed since Hippocrates voiced that divine statement . Nowadays peoples personification of health has nothing to do with what we consume on an everyday basis. Our generation, most certainly will drive straight to McDonalds’s for a Big Mac without hesitation of the harm it is doing to your body. Education of health is essential; people need to learn what they are eating and how it will affect them in the long run. Due to mega rich corporations and institutions, they are keeping all of us in this denial because of pouring millions of dollars into efforts to keep us from knowing what is truly going on (Silverstone 16). Whether it’s to help reduce your risk of diseases, or purely to attain better health, leaving farmed animals entirely out of your diet is an effortless decision with life-long benefits. Plant-based diets will strengthen your immune system, beautify your skin, increase your energy, and reduce risk of various diseases (Silverstone 1). Being vegetarian is a step in the right direction by protecting your health, animals, and the environment. As a human being, by nature are we meant to be meat-eaters? Giehl et al. argues that â€Å"It has been discovered that the diet of any animal in its natural state fits to its anatomical structure and established body functions. With attentive analysis, it is evident that humans are not naturally suited to a diet which includes flesh.†For example, when you look at meat animals such as wolfs, lions, hyenas, etc their fang teeth are built to rip flesh and devour meat. It would be vir... ... only do I feel fitter on daily basis, my body hasn't been seriously sick since being vegetarian. I actually was convinced to finally give up meat after reading the book â€Å"The Kind Diet†by Alicia Silverstone. I have never been fond of killing animals but once educating myself I knew I could never go back to consuming meat. Being healthy, protecting animals, and saving the environment are the key reasons to become a vegetarian. Adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle will benefit you in several ways and contribute to making our society more livable. Your making a difference, and taking a stand for what you believe in. There are plenty of appetizing recipes for a vegetarian, you will never lack from inefficient amount of food. If you choose to eat meat or not, taking vegetarianism into consideration can only feed your body with nutrients and elongate your delicate life.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Lab Report Info
Lab Report Procedure 6. 1: Perform Benedict’s test for reducing sugars. Introduction: Benedict’s tests allows for the detection of the presence of reducing sugars. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars since all of them have active carbonyl group. Some disaccharides that are exposed to a carbonyl group are also reducing sugars but less reactive than monosaccharides. By mixing the sugar solution with Benedict’s solution and heating them, a redox reaction will occur.The copper (II) sulphate present in Benedict’s solution reacts with electrons from aldehyde or ketose group of reducing sugars to form cuprous oxide, a red brown precipitate. Materials: The materials used in order to detect starches was: test tubes, distilled water, Benedict’s solution, starch were used. Negative Control: H20 Positive Control: Starch Obtain nine test tubes and number them 1-9 Add to each tube the materials to be tested. Add 2ml of Benedict’s solution to each tube. Place all the tubes in boiling water- bath for 3 minutes and observe color changes during this time. After 3 minutes , remove the tubes from the water- bath and give the tubes ample time to cool to room temperature. Record the color of their contents. Procedure 6. 2: Perform the iodine test for starch Tube Solution Benedict’s Color Reaction Iodine Color Reaction 1 10 drops onion juice No change Blue->Black w/white No change 2 10 drops potato juice Precipitation Yellow-> blue 3 10 drops sucrose solutionNo change No change 5 10 drops distilled water No change No change 6 10 drops reducing sugar solution Blue No change 7 10 drops starch solution No change Yellow-> Blue 8 Unknown Blue-> Red Brown 9 Unknown 2 Blue Brown 4 10 drops glucose solution Blue-> Brown No change Tube Solution Color 1 2 ml egg albumen Green/yellow 2 2 ml honey No change 3 2ml amino acid solution Purple 4 2ml distilled water No change 5 2ml protein solution Purple 6 Unknown Colorless 7 Unknown 2 Colorless
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship
Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship Introduction The 21st Century has witnessed integration and increased cultural interaction among people on a previously unprecedented scale. This frequent interaction between people from varied countries and cultures has risen mostly as a result of the advances that have been made in transport and communication technologies.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result of this interaction, there has been the major integration of economies and cultures in a process known as globalization. As a result of globalization, governments are increasingly being required to link together different levels of their activities: national and global. This has resulted in the building of a global citizenry which sees the world as their country. However, the global citizen continues to be heavily influenced by the traditional notion of citizen, a term that is â₠¬Å"wrapped up in rights and obligations and in owing allegiance to a sovereign state (Lagos 1). This paper shall argue that it is hugely necessary for one to be a good citizen so as to become a global citizen. To reinforce this claim, this paper shall analyze the extent to which it is necessary to be a â€Å"good citizen†in order to be a â€Å"global citizen†, and vice versa. Good Citizen needed to make a Global Citizen The world is full of social injustices mostly perpetrated by the stronger members of the society against the weaker ones. A defining characteristic of a good national citizen in such an environment is his/her concern about the injustices that occur within their boundaries. This concern normally manifests itself in protests and public demonstrations calling for action by the government in place to counter the perceived injustices. A report by the World Bank demonstrates that the global citizen shows the same concern for the welfare of the globe and is m oved to free their fellow men from dehumanizing conditions (1). As such, it takes a good citizen to make the global citizen who will be keen to decry social injustices against other human beings. Core to the agendas of the good citizen is the preservation of peace in his country. A good citizen will strive to preserve peace especially within the boundaries of his/her country. This is mostly because the citizen recognizes the destruction and loss that war culminates in. For this reason, the good citizen seeks to mobilize against all wars through peaceful demonstrations and advocacy against wars. The United Nations declares that peace is a precondition of global citizenship. The global citizen views war and strife as being contrary to his/her agenda. A good citizen who is committed to preserving peace is therefore needed to make a global citizen.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the attribute that a good citizen in any democratic society should possess is an understanding of public policies in his/her country. An understanding of this policies will result in enlightenment on ones country position on issues such as energy, free trade, agriculture and the environment to name but a few. It is only by understanding the public policies adopted by ones country that a person can act so as to shape certain conditions such as protection of natural habitat. A global citizen is also concerned with the protection of the environment and establishment of free trade. It would therefore take a good citizen who is well versed with public policies to make a global citizen. A good citizen is concerned about the impact that his individual actions and daily personal choices have on the country. This is an ideal that is also desirable in the global citizen since as a global citizen should make his/her decisions bases on an awareness of the impact that the decision s will have on the planet. A good citizen who is aware and conscious of the impact that his actions have on a larger scale is therefore needed to make a global citizen. The international community is characterized by a rich diversity of cultures among its people. The global citizen is therefore prepared to operate amicably in this intercultural environment. The global citizen realizes that there should be unity in diversity and nobody has the right to impose their ideology on anybody or any group of persons. An ideal citizen should also demonstrate this values and pay respect to people from different cultures and strives to live harmoniously with them. The good citizen should recognize that differences may exist within members of the country and this should not be a cause of strive. By acting as a global citizen who operates in a multicultural sphere, a person can be a good citizen and exist harmoniously with other citizens of varied backgrounds. Global Citizenship needed to make a Good Citizen Lagos documents that while globalization is acclaimed for having opened up the world and led to the emergence of a global village, the same force has paradoxically resulted in localization and local communities have taken greater and greater importance (9). In such an environment, it is the global citizen who holds the separate entities together and seeks to iron out the differences that the various local communities seek to advance. For a citizen to pass for a good citizen in such an environment (the environment where local communities have taken great importance), he must have the global perspective of the global citizen. It is only by taking the global perspective that a citizen can give fair consideration to ideas with which they disagree.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Good Citizenship and Global Citizenship specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Global citizenship is increasingly working towards making the planet sustainable for all people. The efforts directed to this end are mostly in the form of advocacy for conservation of the environment, reduction of pollution and the reliance on renewable sources of power. A good citizen is supposed to work towards the preservation of the countrys resources for future resources. As such, the good citizen has to be a global citizen who is concerned with making the planet sustainable. As a global citizen, one is expected to be non judgmental and overlook the religious differences that divide humanity. The UN states that the global citizen should have values such as rights to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. A good citizen should also have these values enshrined in them. A good citizen should avoid engaging in religious discrimination since this threatens unity among the citizens of the nation. Discussion This paper has demonstrated that being a global citizen is intrinsically connected to being a good citizen. As such, being a gl obal citizenship implies a responsibility to be a good citizen. However, there are instances where being a global citizen may cause one to be a â€Å"bad citizen†. For example, a global citizen is not expected to advocate for war or side with any party during war. Good citizenship calls for one to back their country when it is involved in a war. Acting as a global citizen in such instances can therefore prevent one from being an ideal citizen. Lagos indicates that a citizen obtains a certain amount of protection from his/her country in return for abiding to some restrictions that the government may impose on him/her (3). A good citizen is therefore required to abide by some laws and allow some bureaucratic control from his/her nation. A global citizen on the other hand does not have any kind of protection and has some amount of degree from bureaucratic control. Lagos states that the hallmark of global citizen is the lack of allegiance to any body of laws to control the indivi dual. In this light, being a global citizen goes contrary to what being a good citizen entails. Conclusion This paper set out to argue that to a large extent, it is necessary to be a good citizen in order to be a global citizen and vice versa. The paper performed a detailed analysis of how a person may be obligated to be a good citizen so as to qualify as a global citizen and vise versa.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This paper has shown that global citizens borrow most of their rights and obligations from the traditional citizen who is defined by a civic engagement to a nation existing in a particular geography. In particular, the paper demonstrates that values such as tolerance, civic education are innate in both the good citizen and the global citizen. However, the paper has also shown that global citizen differs significantly from the citizen and in some instances, being a global citizen may cause one not to fulfill his role as a good citizen. Lagos, Taso. Global Citizenship- Towards a Definition. Mar. 2002. Web. http://depts.washington.edu/gcp/pdf/globalcitizenship.pdf The World Bank. â€Å"Global Citizenship- Ethical Challenges Ahead†. Conference on Leadership and Core Values. 3 July 2002. Web. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTABOUTUS/PARTNERS/EXTDEVDIALOGUE/0,contentMDK:20357631~menuPK:64192472~pagePK:64192523~piPK:64192458~theSitePK:537298,00.html UN. The Universal Dec laration of Human Rights. 2010. Web. https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Chinese culture Essay Example
Chinese culture Essay Example Chinese culture Essay Chinese culture Essay China is making big progress after entrance of WTO however IPR dispute is happened occasionally. IPR has been acknowledged and protected in China. China is making big progress after entrance of WTO however IPR dispute is happened occasionally. China has been moving its intellectual property rights (IPR) regime closer to those found in many more developed nations. China is making more comprehensive laws, and more attention to enforcement have led to an increase in the number of IPR infringement cases being brought before the courts or taken up through Chinas administrative procedures. The Trade Union is very weak, many firms and organisations do not have Trade Union, this is one of the reasons that the labour cost is low in this country. According to (CNN Money online 2008) the Chinese government issued a new labour protection law, in which the employer has to provide new employment contracts with social security programme and overtime pay. As a result, the labour costs have been raised by 10 to 15 per cent annually According to Yang (1986) explored that the art of Guanxi â€Å"lies in the skilful mobilization of moral and cultural imperatives, such as obligation and reciprocity in pursuit of both diffused social ends and calculated instrumental ends. The system of Guanxi which relies on trust and consents of mutual advantages leads business succeed in Chinese society. According to â€Å"symbolic capital and mutual obligation and trust, and are alternatives to contracts and legal rights†. Chinese Relationship Hierarchy â€Å"Guanxi†plays an important role in Chinese business culture, this relationship is deeply permeating to all different Chinese firms and organisations. There is no doubt that China is regenerating and becoming modern but it is not becoming a western entity. The Chinese do not compromise on their national and local cultures and beliefs even though they are at the head of the curve. The Chinese business system may differ like in China coalition and competition between businesses is much closer and integrated. On the other hand, British have the content that the business refers to be totally dependent on competitiveness and striving through market. The business system of China relates more into synergy than in competition. The relation between British and Chinese economic sector is the ideology of culture and the anticipated culture disputes which cannot be ignored. In one’s simple opinion culture can be defined as any entity, it’s different for everything. An organization has a different and distinguishing culture as compared to the other one. Nevertheless, when it comes to the culture of a country, it is totally a different object. The culture of a country is so vast and important that it cannot be avoided. The concept of culture is the agreement, differencing and then settling it by using tactics to have consent of both the parties and countries (McNamara, 2000). The business association in China becomes a social connection after the business is on the track. However in case of British businesses, even after a long time the relationships are always proficient and professional. If a company wants to indulge in the business of China, they can achieve it by targeting the social culture of this country. The discussions and meetings should be formal but should include personal matters which removes the hurdles and improves the relationship. The basic step in investing is not to make generalisations, especially in the case of doing business in China. Not only investing money but also investing expertise, time, energy and other factors are also vital in this case. These understandings give safety to a company while facing confrontations in future. There are many aspects to study before doing business in China but the following factors identified through are specifically targeted for entering into a Chinese market (Kwintessential, 2010): 1. Establishing relationships and contacts is the most important aspect in China. The more informal and social, the better you get closer with them. The meetings and all business activities should be professional but also in accordance with Chinese culture.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The role of education in a juveniles life Essay
The role of education in a juveniles life - Essay Example The years of schooling are extremely vital in an individual life, since they c an make or break the kind of person he turns out to be. Education passes on virtues like leading a disciplines mode of life, being sensitive to the others' emotions, respecting fellow humans and also leading an honest and worthy life. Today, children are being diverted and exposed to hazardous knowledge from numerous sources. This has resulted in the rise in the number of juvenile delinquency cases. Children are being lead astray due to the high penetration of crime into the society and the influence it has on young impressionable minds. This has paved way to increasing crime rates in the age group of below 18. It is here, that one needs to sit back and contemplate on the ways and means to curb this rising delinquency rate. One of the best ways t o exert a crease on such occurrences, is through education, Education helps refine children and their thinking processes. Since they can be moulded easily and brought into a certain fold, imparting education to juveniles is necessary. By doing so, delinquency rates can experience a dip, while also facilitating the rehabilitation of juveniles who have been led on to the wrong path. This paper attempts to explore the Role played by Education, in the process of rectifying a nd rehabilitating the lives of Juveniles. ANALYSIS ROLE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION Schools play a very important role in providing a perspective to children. For instance, if a child is brought up in an atmosphere where he is put down and looked down upon by his peers, he becomes excessively negative in his perspective. Low self-esteem and the illusion that one is not cared for, creeps in and this often propels the student towards self-destruction. Schools play a three-fold effect on the lives of children. They influence a child in various facets of his growth and comprehension. Firstly, schools establish the Process of Learning, in the lives of student. This learning need not be limited to the learning of varied subjects. It extends beyond. For instance, learning about oneself is the foremost step toward knowledge and wisdom and school education sows the seeds towards the attainment of this wisdom. School education helps a child understand the world, learn to adapt to demands of situations and to acquire not only subject matter, but also soft skills, like working in a team, acquiring leadership qualities, etc. This is the most evident impact that school education has, in the process of moulding and making the life of a child. The second influence that school education creates, on the life of young minds, is that of establishing set behavioural patterns. Following school rules and regulations is the primary step in curbing the influence of external forces of distraction. When a child is given the absolute freedom to do as he pleases, the child often does not know what ahs to
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Management and personal development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management and personal development - Essay Example This research will begin with the MBTI types. The MBTI Inventory measure personal across FOUR dimensions: Introvert [I] - Extrovert [E]; Intuition [N] - Sensing [S]; Feeling [F] - Thinking [T]; Perception [P] - Judging [J]. ISTJ: Serious, quiet, earn success by concentration and thoroughness. Practical, orderly, matter of fact, logical, realistic and dependable. See to it that everything is well organized. Take responsibility. Make up their own minds about what should be accomplished and work towards it steadily, regardless of protests or distractions. ISFJ: Quiet, friendly, responsible and conscientious. Work devotedly to meet their obligations. Lend stability to any project or group. Thorough, painstaking, accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. Can be patient with necessary details. Loyal, considerate, perceptive, concerned with how other people feel. INFJ: Succeed by perseverance, originality, and desire to do whatever is needed or wanted. Put their best efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others. Respected for their firm principles. Likely to be honored and followed for their clear visions as to how best to serve the common good. INTJ: Have original minds and great drive for their own ideas and purposes. Have a long-range vision and quickly find meaningful patterns in external events. In fields that appeal to them, they have a fine power to organize a job and carry it through. Sceptical, critical, independent, determined, have high standards of competence and performance. ... MBTI TYPES ISTJ Serious, quiet, earn success by concentration and thoroughness. Practical, orderly, matter of fact, logical, realistic and dependable. See to it that everything is well organised. Take responsibility. Make up their own minds about what should be accomplished and work towards it steadily, regardless of protests or distractions. ISFJ Quiet, friendly, responsible and conscientious. Work devotedly to meet their obligations. Lend stability to any project or group. Thorough, painstaking, accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. Can be patient with necessary details. Loyal, considerate, perceptive, concerned with how other people feel. INFJ Succeed by perseverance, originality and desire to do whatever is needed or wanted. Put their best efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others. Respected for their firm principles. Likely to be honoured and followed for their clear visions as to how best to serve the common good. INTJ Have or iginal minds and great drive for their own ideas and purposes. Have long-range vision and quickly find meaningful patterns in external events. In fields that appeal to them, they have a fine power to organise a job and carry it through. Sceptical, critical, independent, determined, have high standards of competence and performance. ISTP Cool onlookers – quiet, reserved, observing and analysing life with detached curiosity and unexpected flashes of original humour. Usually interested in cause and effect, how and why mechanical things work and in organising facts using logical principles. Excel at getting to the core of a practical problem and finding the solution. ISFP Retiring, quietly friendly, sensitive,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Development of Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Development of Christianity - Essay Example The fourth part examines vibrant churches that declined while the fifth tackles churches in Moscow. Part six explains the dismember ship of Western Christianity with the current part portraying protestant as emerging as a result of views different from Latin Christianity rather than reforming impulses. To begin with Christianity development, MacCulloch presents Christianity development as a messy political affair shooting up through the moments of human acceptance and apprehension of God through the message of Christ Jesus. This representation occurs when writing a clear discussion on the development of Chalcedonian and Nicene in the fourth and fifth centuries resulting in Dyophysite and miaphysite camps which could give rise to any creedal Christian pause. Thus, Christianity history development presented not having a triumphalist stance. The writer in the first part plainly and loudly contextualizes the Christianity within Hellenistic and Jewish worlds. MacCulloch moves with the history of Christianity in connection to the Jews up to the New Testament and links the Jews to Jesus and the New Testament. The writer elevates Jesus above other Jews by asserting the uniqueness in Jesus calling God Abba (MacCulloch, 2010, p.81). Then proceeds to discuss a meeting arranged at Yavneh by a number of rabbis after the fall of Jerusalem. The assertion by MacCulloch remains that the meeting by rabbis saw the founding of rabbinic Judaism as an event of historiographical fiction arising in the late antiquity (MacCulloch, 2010, p.107). Similarly, (Mangina, 2010, p. 22) explains Christianity and the doctrine of faith until the conclusion that the Apocalypse concerns the God of the gospel who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who seeks to transform life to predictable comfortable ways. In the discussion, the author digs deeply into the development of Christianity but fails to conclude many chapters and leaves the readers with instruction to do further research and reading. This implies lack of full knowledge by the author.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Understanding Educational Research & Assessment Essay Example for Free
Understanding Educational Research Assessment Essay The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technology on achievement in the public school system. Using technology is not a new form of teaching in the school systems, but the question are how effective is technology in the classroom and does it really help in some academic subjects. A classroom teacher has to use different learning methods in order for the students to understand the concept being taught. Unfortunately, computers cannot teach some academic areas such as literacy skills, math skills, writing and reading skills. Using technology can enhance learning in the classroom by helping the teacher generate ideas to keep students motivated to do their work. Sharon Judge (2005); tested the connection between academic success among young African American children and their access to computers in their school and in their home. Her study focuses on 1,601 African American public school children who went to kindergarten and first grade. The results show that access to a home computer, computer areas within classrooms, child to computer ratios, software, and computers in schools were certainly correlated with academic achievement. In addition, constant use of software for literacy and math games were positively connected with academic success during kindergarten. High achievers that used software for literacy and math more often than both low and average achievers put together during kindergarten. Sharon Judge (2005) also examined the fast expansion of children access to computers and the internet in the United States is extraordinary. As of 2001, statistics say that about three-quarters of children between the ages of five and seven use computers at school, and fifty-six percent use computers at home. DeBell Chapman (2003). On the other hand, countless studies were written about the topic that showed that technology access and use in U. S.schools is a bit negative in schools serving Black, Hispanic, and low socio-economic status (SES) students who tend to have the lowest access to, and the most remedial usages of new technology (Becker, 2000; Dividing Lines, 2001; Wenglinsky, 1998). In addition, an important gap exists in home-computer ownership and Internet access between African American and white households (DeBell Chapman, 2003; Fairlie, 2002; Puma, Chapin, Pape, 2003; Solomon, 2002). Research Design/Methodology The purpose of this research is to determine how the influences of technology benefit the achievements in the public school system. The study methods will include information that was written in the region of study, the information will consist of several scholar articles and the influence of technology achievement in public schools. The research will include how technology usage in the classroom affects students and how technology improves the overall performance in the classroom. A scholar article is a professional paper written by a specialist in a given branch of knowledge. This data includes all the reviews of the scholar articles that were written by the specialist in a particular subject of information.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of Green Marketing on Young Consumers
Impact of Green Marketing on Young Consumers INTRODUCTION This study provides an overview of green marketing (is also known as ethnical and environmental marketing), the impact of green marketing towards the young consumers in Malaysia. The first part covers section on research problem, research objectives and research questions. RESEARCH BACKGROUND Throughout the twentieth century, many technologies and business practices have contributed to the destruction of the very ecological systems on which the economy and life itself depends, including toxic contamination, depletion of fisheries and forests, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss (Ottman et al.,2006). Many companies and consumers are beginning to respond to programs to help conserve the Earths natural resources, and green marketing is making a comeback (Ottman et al., 2006). Business management researchers Stuart Hart and Mark Milstein argue that the emerging challenge of global sustainability is catalyzing a new round of creative destruction that offers unprecedented opportunities for new environmentally sensitive innovations, markets, and products (Ottman et al., 2006). The progress of environmentalism in a country has significant role in changing consumers purchase behaviour as well as changing companys strategies to more environmental friendly. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), the first wave of modern environment and quality of life by environmental group and concerned consumers whereas second wave which passed law and regulations governing practices impacting the environment. At the moment, environmentalism waves is merging into a third and stronger wave in which companies are accepting responsibility for doing no environmental harm by adopting policies of environmental and sustain environment and produce profit (Kolter et al, 2008). PROBLEM STATEMENT The emerging trend of Go Green in the global is becoming more significant to the society in line with the growing awareness of global warming is accelerating, and the perception that it is posing a serious threat to humanity and the worlds environment (Star Publications (M) Bhd, 1995-2011). According to Our green world research report 2008 survey conducted by global insight and information group TNS, United Kingdom and other European countries are showing high interest in adopting changes in lifestyle and behaviour in the past to benefit the environments. The environmentalism in Asian countries especially for Thailand and Singapore are even more distinct through the society adaptation in environmental protection and green purchases through the effort of governments. On the aspect of eco-friendliness of habits and behaviours only 8% of Malaysian respondents responded they have changed their behaviour in a great deal to benefit the environment (Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al, 2011). Despite the social adaptation of environmental consumption is rising, research indicates that many green products have failed because of marketers myopic focus on their products greenness over the broader expectations of consumers or other market players (such as regulators or activists) (Ottman et al., 2006). On the other hand, Tully and Schonfeld (1994) found that young consumers showing high concerned with social issues, particularly environmentalism. Many products are begin to tailored to suit young consumers as this group is representing a new generation of consumers with a strong potential impact on the type of goods and services offered in the market (Tan Lau, 2009). It is undeniable that young consumers play a relatively important consumers segment in the market as many researchers have been studying the behaviour and consumption patterns of this group which are the future marketing planners, policy makers and the new educators of the new economy. Therefore, the research is striving to find out how young consumers in Malaysia aware of green marketing? Does green marketing effectively changes the adaptation of green purchases among young consumers? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are as following: To review the concept of green marketing in consumer market. To analyse the environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge of young consumers in Malaysia. To evaluate the way that young consumers aware of green marketing. RESEARCH QUESTION What is the concept of green marketing in consumer market? What are the extent of environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge of young consumers in Malaysia? How the young consumers aware of green marketing? SIGNIFICANT OF STUDY The study aims to contribute the understanding of how young consumers perceived about green marketing in Malaysia. The research will examined the level of awareness of young consumers towards green marketing whether it will leads to positive environmental knowledge and attitude in making purchases. At the end of research, it is believed to provide some insights to green marketers regarding how they can expand their operation in Asia especially in Malaysia (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid 2011). LITERATURE REVIEW Green marketing Green marketing is defined as holistic marketing concepts where in the production, marketing consumption and disposal of products and services happen in a manner that is less detrimental to environment with growing awareness about the implications of global warming, non-biodegradable solid waste, harmful impact of pollutants etc (Tariq Ahmad, 2010). Kotler Armstrong (2008) defined it as an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to protect and enhance peoples living environment. The concept is starting to popularize in many countries and companies as a cognitive persuasion strategies to involve environmental costs into the consumers decision process (Suplico, Luz T, 2009) especially in their purchases of goods and services. Marketers always coined the term ecological marketing, green marketing, environmental marketing, eco-marketing and sustainable marketing (Coddington, 1993, Fuller, 1998 and Ottman, 1998) as a label of the greenness of their product and services. Despite many agree with the powerful function of green marketing, green products is still remained as niche goods attributed to marketers selling strategy which only to committed ethical consumers without the aid of mainstream marketing techniques (Josephine Pickett-Baker and Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Thus, many companies has started to include green concept in advertising as a way to connect consumers with their environmental friendly product and services. Green advertising Green advertising is known as environmental advertising which include popular terms such as recyclable, environmentally friendly, ozone safe and biodegradable (Clare DSouza Mehdi Taghian, 2005). Consumers response towards green advertising may turn out to be effective when the products meet their needs and aligns with their values (e.g saving money on fuel and increasing childrens safety) (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Some consumers response negatively towards the messages in green advertising due to the credibility of green advertising is relatively low (Kilbourne, 1995) which is insufficient for attitudes change towards the advertisement leads to changes in brand attitudes (Gorn 1982; Lutz, Mac Kenzie and Belch, 1983; Mitchell and Olson, 1981). However, the study of Davis (1993) revealed that consumers weak response to environmental advertising is not the consequence of consumers unwillingness to take action and change their behaviour to purchase green products; rather consumers are unwilling to change their purchase behaviour given the manner in which green products have been promoted and advertised (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). However, many authors believe advertising works well when it tries to appeal to those values that drive consumer decision processes (Josephine Pickett-Baker, Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008) Hawkins et al. (1998) explain how the emotional content in advertisements increases attention, a critical step in the perception process. Emotional messages may be processed more thoroughly and remembered better as a result of increased alertness. It is reasonable to assume that advertising green products using emotional content would be more successful (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Mendleson (1994) even commented that marketers should emphasize the ecological knowledge in their organizations, their products and their advertising in order to achieve the goal of changing the consumer purchasing behaviour (E lham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011) Young consumers Generation Y is the prevalent group of young consumers born between the years of 1980-1994 (Halstead, K, 2006 cited in Tee, 2007) which has greater purchasing power than any prior generation and it will heavily influence markets in the near future (Martin and Turley). Gen Y learns to shop at young age will eventually shape their shopping behaviour as adults (Ward, as cited in Halstead K, 2006). Therefore, it came as no surprise that many marketing and promotional efforts are targeted at this group of growing young consumers (Tan Lau, 2009) from consumer acceptance of unethical consumptions). Pratt et al. (1983) in their study found that young consumers often differ from elderly consumers in terms of their moral thinking (Tan Lau, 2009). This group of people are more open minded and strongly influence what happens in their homes (Josephine Pickett-Baker and Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008) Young consumers purchase decision According to Kotler and Armstrong, consumer purchase decision involves three major components: inputs, process and output (). The input consists of both internal and external influences. The output component involves the purchase behaviour and the post-purchase evaluation. The process component involves the psychological field such as motivation, perception, learning, personality and attitudes (Kotler Armstrong, 2008 cited in Luz T. Suplico, 2009). The study followed the proposed model of consumer decision-making process used in Luz T. Suplico (2009) that involves inputs, process and the output. Inputs will include environmental attitude, knowledge and the extent of awareness to green marketing (Peter Olson, 2009 cited in Luz T. Suplico, 2009). The expected output is the whether the consumers choose to purchase the product. Green consumption Green consumption defined as contradicted as consumer concerns about the environment do not necessarily behave in a green way in general, or in their purchasing (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Green consumption began when consumers purchase behaviour is influenced by environmental concerns (Shrum, McCarty Lowrey, 1995 cited in Clare DSouza Mehdi Taghian, 2005). Study found that people who are environmentally conscious do not necessarily behave pro-environmentally: for example, people might throw rubbish away when most people around them do so (reactive process, as opposed to intentional decision making (Ohtomo and Hirose, 2007 cited in Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). In most cases, consumer will experience an improvement of environmental quality only when major sectors of the global population pursue generalized green consumer behaviour. Thus, the perceived individual customer benefit might not be a sufficiently powerful motivation to green purchasing (Belz and Dyllik, 1996 cited in Patrick Hartmann, Vanessa Apaolaza Ibà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, 2006). Environmental Awareness Environmental awareness and behaviours were found to be influenced by values, attitudes and knowledge (Haron et al, 2005). German scholars of Pakistan have added that the buyers level of awareness will affect attitude to environmental protection, the attitude of the environmental protection will affect the attitude of his green lifestyle, people with positive attitude of green lifestyle will involved in the purchase of green product and consumption activities (Juan Zhang, 2010, p.178). Unfortunately, in the case of Malaysia, the environmental awareness is still very low from the view of the importance of separating household solid waste and involvement in recycling programmes (Haron, S.A., Palm, L. Yahaya, N., 2005, p.428). Environmental Attitude Attitudes are the most consistent explanatory factor in predicting consumers willingness to pay for green products (Chyong et al., 2006 cited in Tan, Lau, 2010, p.30). Consumers product purchasing decisions are often based on their environmental attitudes (Irland, 1993; Schwepker and Cornwell, 1991 cited in Tan Lau, 2010). Environmental attitude is defined as the individuals value judgement of environmental protection which taps the individuals cognitive assessment of the value of the environmental protection (Lee, 2008 cited in Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al, 2011). However, the demand and attitudes for green products is likely to be uneven across different market segments and cultures (Ottman Peattie, 1992 cited in Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid 2011) which need to be closely study. Environmental Knowledge In numerous studies, knowledge is an important factor in consumers decision-making process. Cohen (1973) commented that green marketing activities had play an important influence on increasing consumer knowledge and in shifting consumer into purchasing green products (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Findings of Gendall et al reveals that men tended to have more knowledge than women; younger people tended to be more knowledgeable than older people; and the higher the level of education, the higher the level of knowledge (Haron, S.A., Palm, L. Yahaya, N. 2005, p.428). However, they concluded that generally the overall level of knowledge of Malaysian teenagers is low, especially among those studying in the arts stream compared with those studying in the sciences stream. (Haron, S.A., Palm, L., Yahaya, N., 2005, p.428). Bradley et al. (1999) commented that environmental education is able to create environmental awareness and promote environmentally responsible behaviour (c ited in Tan, Lau, 2009). Malaysian government has been promoting sustainable consumption practices among the public in various strategies. Social advertising is one of the approaches of Malaysian government to educate and foster environmental concern among the public (Haron et al., 2005). HYPOTHESIS Referencing from the existing literature, it is thus hypothesized that: HI: Green marketing has a positive H2: H3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Independent Variable Dependent Variable Impact of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour of Young Consumers in Malaysia Environmental Awareness Environmental Attitude Environmental Knowledge RESEARCH DESIGN For the purpose of this study, descriptive research will be undertaken using quantitative methodology to examine the impact of green marketing on young consumers purchase decision, environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge. SAMPLING DESIGN Target Population The target population for this study will be the under graduate, graduate and postgraduate students age ranging 18 to 25 years old. The reason of choosing individuals above this age is because they are familiar with purchasing of products and are also empowered in their decisions for choosing the right items between many available choices, therefore, considerate to environmental issues in their purchasing behaviour (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Sampling Technique In this study, cluster sampling is deployed as it is a type of probability sampling where a random of subgroups is selected and all members of the subgroups become part of the sample (David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S Day, Robert P. Leone, 2010). By using probability sampling technique, the research findings can be generalized to the target population with a specified level of confidence (Hair et al., 2007). The advantage of cluster sampling is able to enhance sampling efficiency improved by decreasing cost at a faster rate than accuracy. The limitation of cluster sampling is resulted in relatively imprecise samples, and it is difficult to form heterogeneous cluster because, for example, household in a block tend to be similar rather than dissimilar (David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S Day, Robert P. Leone, 2010). Sampling location The questionnaire survey will be conducted in four private colleges or universities in Klang Valley in order to enhance the results of the findings. Sampling size The sampling size involved in this study will be 400 participants either in private colleges or universities in Klang Valley. DATA COLLECTION The data collections of this study consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data will be collected through the distribution of questionnaires. James P. Neelankavil (2007) stated that secondary data collection is an important step in the research process because it is the key to accomplishing low cost research programme. The secondary data is retrieved from different websites, newspaper, magazines, journal articles database such as Emerald insight and Anglia Ruskin e-library which is both permanent and available in a form that may be checked relatively easily by other (Denscombe, 1998 cited in Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A., 2007). However, the secondary data might fails to provide the information that appropriate to answer the research questions or research objectives will result in invalid answers (Kelvin, 1999 cited Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A., 2007) PILOT STUDY According to Zikmund, et al (2010) the questionnaire has to be pretested to ensure the respondents understand the intended meaning of the questions as well as checking the problems attached in the wording and measurement. Thus, pilot study will be conducted by circulating 200 questionnaires among universities or colleges which the result is important to check the reliability and suitability the instrument. MEASURES The questionnaire will be divided into four sections. The first section will include demographic information which adapted from the study of Fong (2006) on environmental orientation of consumers in Malaysia (Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al., 2011). The second section include the The third section of the questionnaire measuring on the respondents environmental attitude, the respondents environmental awareness and respondents green purchasing behaviour based on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) and (1 = never, 5 = always) is used in the study of Nik Abdul Rashid and Elham Rahbar and Nabisha Abdul Wahid. DATA ANALYSIS For this research, the data will be processed using statistical techniques which include factor analysis, descriptive analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Factor Analysis Factor analysis which is one type of multivariate analysis is used to define the underlying structure called factors among the variables in the analysis (Hair et al., 2007). Factor analysis will performed using the all the variables in this study to test whether the concept is correctly theorized. Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis involved summarizing and transforming the data into an understandable and interpretable mode (Zikmund et al., 2010). Descriptive analysis will be utilized in most parts of the analysis using mean and standard deviation of variables to help researchers understand the respondents perception of variables and other detailed analysis that were performed (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Multiple Regression Analysis Multiple regression analysis will be performed to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables and addressed hypothesis (Coakes and Steed, 2001; Hair et al., 1998 cited in Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). The control variables to be analyse included age and educational level of respondents whom constantly influenced by environmental knowledge (Haron et al, 2005). LIMITATIONS There are few limitations in this study. Firstly, the main limitation is the study will opened for colleges or universities students in Klang Valley only. Therefore, the result may not be appropriate to generalize finding to all young consumers in Malaysia. TIME SCALES REFERENCES Afzaal Ali, Athar Ali Khan, Israr Ahmed Waseem Shahzad, 2011. Determinants of Pakistani Consumers Green Purchase Behavior: Some Insights from a Developing Country. 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