Thursday, October 31, 2019
Development of Christianity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Development of Christianity - Essay Example The fourth part examines vibrant churches that declined while the fifth tackles churches in Moscow. Part six explains the dismember ship of Western Christianity with the current part portraying protestant as emerging as a result of views different from Latin Christianity rather than reforming impulses. To begin with Christianity development, MacCulloch presents Christianity development as a messy political affair shooting up through the moments of human acceptance and apprehension of God through the message of Christ Jesus. This representation occurs when writing a clear discussion on the development of Chalcedonian and Nicene in the fourth and fifth centuries resulting in Dyophysite and miaphysite camps which could give rise to any creedal Christian pause. Thus, Christianity history development presented not having a triumphalist stance. The writer in the first part plainly and loudly contextualizes the Christianity within Hellenistic and Jewish worlds. MacCulloch moves with the history of Christianity in connection to the Jews up to the New Testament and links the Jews to Jesus and the New Testament. The writer elevates Jesus above other Jews by asserting the uniqueness in Jesus calling God Abba (MacCulloch, 2010, p.81). Then proceeds to discuss a meeting arranged at Yavneh by a number of rabbis after the fall of Jerusalem. The assertion by MacCulloch remains that the meeting by rabbis saw the founding of rabbinic Judaism as an event of historiographical fiction arising in the late antiquity (MacCulloch, 2010, p.107). Similarly, (Mangina, 2010, p. 22) explains Christianity and the doctrine of faith until the conclusion that the Apocalypse concerns the God of the gospel who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who seeks to transform life to predictable comfortable ways. In the discussion, the author digs deeply into the development of Christianity but fails to conclude many chapters and leaves the readers with instruction to do further research and reading. This implies lack of full knowledge by the author.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Understanding Educational Research & Assessment Essay Example for Free
Understanding Educational Research Assessment Essay The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technology on achievement in the public school system. Using technology is not a new form of teaching in the school systems, but the question are how effective is technology in the classroom and does it really help in some academic subjects. A classroom teacher has to use different learning methods in order for the students to understand the concept being taught. Unfortunately, computers cannot teach some academic areas such as literacy skills, math skills, writing and reading skills. Using technology can enhance learning in the classroom by helping the teacher generate ideas to keep students motivated to do their work. Sharon Judge (2005); tested the connection between academic success among young African American children and their access to computers in their school and in their home. Her study focuses on 1,601 African American public school children who went to kindergarten and first grade. The results show that access to a home computer, computer areas within classrooms, child to computer ratios, software, and computers in schools were certainly correlated with academic achievement. In addition, constant use of software for literacy and math games were positively connected with academic success during kindergarten. High achievers that used software for literacy and math more often than both low and average achievers put together during kindergarten. Sharon Judge (2005) also examined the fast expansion of children access to computers and the internet in the United States is extraordinary. As of 2001, statistics say that about three-quarters of children between the ages of five and seven use computers at school, and fifty-six percent use computers at home. DeBell Chapman (2003). On the other hand, countless studies were written about the topic that showed that technology access and use in U. S.schools is a bit negative in schools serving Black, Hispanic, and low socio-economic status (SES) students who tend to have the lowest access to, and the most remedial usages of new technology (Becker, 2000; Dividing Lines, 2001; Wenglinsky, 1998). In addition, an important gap exists in home-computer ownership and Internet access between African American and white households (DeBell Chapman, 2003; Fairlie, 2002; Puma, Chapin, Pape, 2003; Solomon, 2002). Research Design/Methodology The purpose of this research is to determine how the influences of technology benefit the achievements in the public school system. The study methods will include information that was written in the region of study, the information will consist of several scholar articles and the influence of technology achievement in public schools. The research will include how technology usage in the classroom affects students and how technology improves the overall performance in the classroom. A scholar article is a professional paper written by a specialist in a given branch of knowledge. This data includes all the reviews of the scholar articles that were written by the specialist in a particular subject of information.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Impact of Green Marketing on Young Consumers
Impact of Green Marketing on Young Consumers INTRODUCTION This study provides an overview of green marketing (is also known as ethnical and environmental marketing), the impact of green marketing towards the young consumers in Malaysia. The first part covers section on research problem, research objectives and research questions. RESEARCH BACKGROUND Throughout the twentieth century, many technologies and business practices have contributed to the destruction of the very ecological systems on which the economy and life itself depends, including toxic contamination, depletion of fisheries and forests, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss (Ottman et al.,2006). Many companies and consumers are beginning to respond to programs to help conserve the Earths natural resources, and green marketing is making a comeback (Ottman et al., 2006). Business management researchers Stuart Hart and Mark Milstein argue that the emerging challenge of global sustainability is catalyzing a new round of creative destruction that offers unprecedented opportunities for new environmentally sensitive innovations, markets, and products (Ottman et al., 2006). The progress of environmentalism in a country has significant role in changing consumers purchase behaviour as well as changing companys strategies to more environmental friendly. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), the first wave of modern environment and quality of life by environmental group and concerned consumers whereas second wave which passed law and regulations governing practices impacting the environment. At the moment, environmentalism waves is merging into a third and stronger wave in which companies are accepting responsibility for doing no environmental harm by adopting policies of environmental and sustain environment and produce profit (Kolter et al, 2008). PROBLEM STATEMENT The emerging trend of Go Green in the global is becoming more significant to the society in line with the growing awareness of global warming is accelerating, and the perception that it is posing a serious threat to humanity and the worlds environment (Star Publications (M) Bhd, 1995-2011). According to Our green world research report 2008 survey conducted by global insight and information group TNS, United Kingdom and other European countries are showing high interest in adopting changes in lifestyle and behaviour in the past to benefit the environments. The environmentalism in Asian countries especially for Thailand and Singapore are even more distinct through the society adaptation in environmental protection and green purchases through the effort of governments. On the aspect of eco-friendliness of habits and behaviours only 8% of Malaysian respondents responded they have changed their behaviour in a great deal to benefit the environment (Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al, 2011). Despite the social adaptation of environmental consumption is rising, research indicates that many green products have failed because of marketers myopic focus on their products greenness over the broader expectations of consumers or other market players (such as regulators or activists) (Ottman et al., 2006). On the other hand, Tully and Schonfeld (1994) found that young consumers showing high concerned with social issues, particularly environmentalism. Many products are begin to tailored to suit young consumers as this group is representing a new generation of consumers with a strong potential impact on the type of goods and services offered in the market (Tan Lau, 2009). It is undeniable that young consumers play a relatively important consumers segment in the market as many researchers have been studying the behaviour and consumption patterns of this group which are the future marketing planners, policy makers and the new educators of the new economy. Therefore, the research is striving to find out how young consumers in Malaysia aware of green marketing? Does green marketing effectively changes the adaptation of green purchases among young consumers? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of this study are as following: To review the concept of green marketing in consumer market. To analyse the environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge of young consumers in Malaysia. To evaluate the way that young consumers aware of green marketing. RESEARCH QUESTION What is the concept of green marketing in consumer market? What are the extent of environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge of young consumers in Malaysia? How the young consumers aware of green marketing? SIGNIFICANT OF STUDY The study aims to contribute the understanding of how young consumers perceived about green marketing in Malaysia. The research will examined the level of awareness of young consumers towards green marketing whether it will leads to positive environmental knowledge and attitude in making purchases. At the end of research, it is believed to provide some insights to green marketers regarding how they can expand their operation in Asia especially in Malaysia (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid 2011). LITERATURE REVIEW Green marketing Green marketing is defined as holistic marketing concepts where in the production, marketing consumption and disposal of products and services happen in a manner that is less detrimental to environment with growing awareness about the implications of global warming, non-biodegradable solid waste, harmful impact of pollutants etc (Tariq Ahmad, 2010). Kotler Armstrong (2008) defined it as an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to protect and enhance peoples living environment. The concept is starting to popularize in many countries and companies as a cognitive persuasion strategies to involve environmental costs into the consumers decision process (Suplico, Luz T, 2009) especially in their purchases of goods and services. Marketers always coined the term ecological marketing, green marketing, environmental marketing, eco-marketing and sustainable marketing (Coddington, 1993, Fuller, 1998 and Ottman, 1998) as a label of the greenness of their product and services. Despite many agree with the powerful function of green marketing, green products is still remained as niche goods attributed to marketers selling strategy which only to committed ethical consumers without the aid of mainstream marketing techniques (Josephine Pickett-Baker and Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Thus, many companies has started to include green concept in advertising as a way to connect consumers with their environmental friendly product and services. Green advertising Green advertising is known as environmental advertising which include popular terms such as recyclable, environmentally friendly, ozone safe and biodegradable (Clare DSouza Mehdi Taghian, 2005). Consumers response towards green advertising may turn out to be effective when the products meet their needs and aligns with their values (e.g saving money on fuel and increasing childrens safety) (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Some consumers response negatively towards the messages in green advertising due to the credibility of green advertising is relatively low (Kilbourne, 1995) which is insufficient for attitudes change towards the advertisement leads to changes in brand attitudes (Gorn 1982; Lutz, Mac Kenzie and Belch, 1983; Mitchell and Olson, 1981). However, the study of Davis (1993) revealed that consumers weak response to environmental advertising is not the consequence of consumers unwillingness to take action and change their behaviour to purchase green products; rather consumers are unwilling to change their purchase behaviour given the manner in which green products have been promoted and advertised (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). However, many authors believe advertising works well when it tries to appeal to those values that drive consumer decision processes (Josephine Pickett-Baker, Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008) Hawkins et al. (1998) explain how the emotional content in advertisements increases attention, a critical step in the perception process. Emotional messages may be processed more thoroughly and remembered better as a result of increased alertness. It is reasonable to assume that advertising green products using emotional content would be more successful (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Mendleson (1994) even commented that marketers should emphasize the ecological knowledge in their organizations, their products and their advertising in order to achieve the goal of changing the consumer purchasing behaviour (E lham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011) Young consumers Generation Y is the prevalent group of young consumers born between the years of 1980-1994 (Halstead, K, 2006 cited in Tee, 2007) which has greater purchasing power than any prior generation and it will heavily influence markets in the near future (Martin and Turley). Gen Y learns to shop at young age will eventually shape their shopping behaviour as adults (Ward, as cited in Halstead K, 2006). Therefore, it came as no surprise that many marketing and promotional efforts are targeted at this group of growing young consumers (Tan Lau, 2009) from consumer acceptance of unethical consumptions). Pratt et al. (1983) in their study found that young consumers often differ from elderly consumers in terms of their moral thinking (Tan Lau, 2009). This group of people are more open minded and strongly influence what happens in their homes (Josephine Pickett-Baker and Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008) Young consumers purchase decision According to Kotler and Armstrong, consumer purchase decision involves three major components: inputs, process and output (). The input consists of both internal and external influences. The output component involves the purchase behaviour and the post-purchase evaluation. The process component involves the psychological field such as motivation, perception, learning, personality and attitudes (Kotler Armstrong, 2008 cited in Luz T. Suplico, 2009). The study followed the proposed model of consumer decision-making process used in Luz T. Suplico (2009) that involves inputs, process and the output. Inputs will include environmental attitude, knowledge and the extent of awareness to green marketing (Peter Olson, 2009 cited in Luz T. Suplico, 2009). The expected output is the whether the consumers choose to purchase the product. Green consumption Green consumption defined as contradicted as consumer concerns about the environment do not necessarily behave in a green way in general, or in their purchasing (Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). Green consumption began when consumers purchase behaviour is influenced by environmental concerns (Shrum, McCarty Lowrey, 1995 cited in Clare DSouza Mehdi Taghian, 2005). Study found that people who are environmentally conscious do not necessarily behave pro-environmentally: for example, people might throw rubbish away when most people around them do so (reactive process, as opposed to intentional decision making (Ohtomo and Hirose, 2007 cited in Josephine Pickett-Baker Ritsuko Ozaki, 2008). In most cases, consumer will experience an improvement of environmental quality only when major sectors of the global population pursue generalized green consumer behaviour. Thus, the perceived individual customer benefit might not be a sufficiently powerful motivation to green purchasing (Belz and Dyllik, 1996 cited in Patrick Hartmann, Vanessa Apaolaza Ibà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, 2006). Environmental Awareness Environmental awareness and behaviours were found to be influenced by values, attitudes and knowledge (Haron et al, 2005). German scholars of Pakistan have added that the buyers level of awareness will affect attitude to environmental protection, the attitude of the environmental protection will affect the attitude of his green lifestyle, people with positive attitude of green lifestyle will involved in the purchase of green product and consumption activities (Juan Zhang, 2010, p.178). Unfortunately, in the case of Malaysia, the environmental awareness is still very low from the view of the importance of separating household solid waste and involvement in recycling programmes (Haron, S.A., Palm, L. Yahaya, N., 2005, p.428). Environmental Attitude Attitudes are the most consistent explanatory factor in predicting consumers willingness to pay for green products (Chyong et al., 2006 cited in Tan, Lau, 2010, p.30). Consumers product purchasing decisions are often based on their environmental attitudes (Irland, 1993; Schwepker and Cornwell, 1991 cited in Tan Lau, 2010). Environmental attitude is defined as the individuals value judgement of environmental protection which taps the individuals cognitive assessment of the value of the environmental protection (Lee, 2008 cited in Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al, 2011). However, the demand and attitudes for green products is likely to be uneven across different market segments and cultures (Ottman Peattie, 1992 cited in Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid 2011) which need to be closely study. Environmental Knowledge In numerous studies, knowledge is an important factor in consumers decision-making process. Cohen (1973) commented that green marketing activities had play an important influence on increasing consumer knowledge and in shifting consumer into purchasing green products (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Findings of Gendall et al reveals that men tended to have more knowledge than women; younger people tended to be more knowledgeable than older people; and the higher the level of education, the higher the level of knowledge (Haron, S.A., Palm, L. Yahaya, N. 2005, p.428). However, they concluded that generally the overall level of knowledge of Malaysian teenagers is low, especially among those studying in the arts stream compared with those studying in the sciences stream. (Haron, S.A., Palm, L., Yahaya, N., 2005, p.428). Bradley et al. (1999) commented that environmental education is able to create environmental awareness and promote environmentally responsible behaviour (c ited in Tan, Lau, 2009). Malaysian government has been promoting sustainable consumption practices among the public in various strategies. Social advertising is one of the approaches of Malaysian government to educate and foster environmental concern among the public (Haron et al., 2005). HYPOTHESIS Referencing from the existing literature, it is thus hypothesized that: HI: Green marketing has a positive H2: H3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Independent Variable Dependent Variable Impact of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour of Young Consumers in Malaysia Environmental Awareness Environmental Attitude Environmental Knowledge RESEARCH DESIGN For the purpose of this study, descriptive research will be undertaken using quantitative methodology to examine the impact of green marketing on young consumers purchase decision, environmental awareness, attitude and knowledge. SAMPLING DESIGN Target Population The target population for this study will be the under graduate, graduate and postgraduate students age ranging 18 to 25 years old. The reason of choosing individuals above this age is because they are familiar with purchasing of products and are also empowered in their decisions for choosing the right items between many available choices, therefore, considerate to environmental issues in their purchasing behaviour (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Sampling Technique In this study, cluster sampling is deployed as it is a type of probability sampling where a random of subgroups is selected and all members of the subgroups become part of the sample (David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S Day, Robert P. Leone, 2010). By using probability sampling technique, the research findings can be generalized to the target population with a specified level of confidence (Hair et al., 2007). The advantage of cluster sampling is able to enhance sampling efficiency improved by decreasing cost at a faster rate than accuracy. The limitation of cluster sampling is resulted in relatively imprecise samples, and it is difficult to form heterogeneous cluster because, for example, household in a block tend to be similar rather than dissimilar (David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, George S Day, Robert P. Leone, 2010). Sampling location The questionnaire survey will be conducted in four private colleges or universities in Klang Valley in order to enhance the results of the findings. Sampling size The sampling size involved in this study will be 400 participants either in private colleges or universities in Klang Valley. DATA COLLECTION The data collections of this study consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data will be collected through the distribution of questionnaires. James P. Neelankavil (2007) stated that secondary data collection is an important step in the research process because it is the key to accomplishing low cost research programme. The secondary data is retrieved from different websites, newspaper, magazines, journal articles database such as Emerald insight and Anglia Ruskin e-library which is both permanent and available in a form that may be checked relatively easily by other (Denscombe, 1998 cited in Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A., 2007). However, the secondary data might fails to provide the information that appropriate to answer the research questions or research objectives will result in invalid answers (Kelvin, 1999 cited Saunders, M., Lewis, P. Thornhill, A., 2007) PILOT STUDY According to Zikmund, et al (2010) the questionnaire has to be pretested to ensure the respondents understand the intended meaning of the questions as well as checking the problems attached in the wording and measurement. Thus, pilot study will be conducted by circulating 200 questionnaires among universities or colleges which the result is important to check the reliability and suitability the instrument. MEASURES The questionnaire will be divided into four sections. The first section will include demographic information which adapted from the study of Fong (2006) on environmental orientation of consumers in Malaysia (Nabsiah Abdul Wahid et al., 2011). The second section include the The third section of the questionnaire measuring on the respondents environmental attitude, the respondents environmental awareness and respondents green purchasing behaviour based on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) and (1 = never, 5 = always) is used in the study of Nik Abdul Rashid and Elham Rahbar and Nabisha Abdul Wahid. DATA ANALYSIS For this research, the data will be processed using statistical techniques which include factor analysis, descriptive analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Factor Analysis Factor analysis which is one type of multivariate analysis is used to define the underlying structure called factors among the variables in the analysis (Hair et al., 2007). Factor analysis will performed using the all the variables in this study to test whether the concept is correctly theorized. Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis involved summarizing and transforming the data into an understandable and interpretable mode (Zikmund et al., 2010). Descriptive analysis will be utilized in most parts of the analysis using mean and standard deviation of variables to help researchers understand the respondents perception of variables and other detailed analysis that were performed (Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). Multiple Regression Analysis Multiple regression analysis will be performed to analyze the relationship between a dependent variable and independent variables and addressed hypothesis (Coakes and Steed, 2001; Hair et al., 1998 cited in Elham Rahbar and Nabsiah Abdul Wahid, 2011). The control variables to be analyse included age and educational level of respondents whom constantly influenced by environmental knowledge (Haron et al, 2005). LIMITATIONS There are few limitations in this study. Firstly, the main limitation is the study will opened for colleges or universities students in Klang Valley only. Therefore, the result may not be appropriate to generalize finding to all young consumers in Malaysia. TIME SCALES REFERENCES Afzaal Ali, Athar Ali Khan, Israr Ahmed Waseem Shahzad, 2011. Determinants of Pakistani Consumers Green Purchase Behavior: Some Insights from a Developing Country. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Existence Of God :: essays research papers
Existence of God      The truth behind the existence of god. As a flesh and blood we seem to aspire to be ultitmley immortal, we have created stories guidelines ways in which we our able to become immortal. Christins call it jesus others call it alla or buddua. Does this make one better then the other or is just a set of rules that we all follow just so mankind can prosper. Is faith a trait that is leared or is it a proptey that we our all born with the ability to belive.      The questions we have this is a trait the abilitty to reason is a trait, but what scares us so terribly bad is whaen we cant answer a question. We study we learn but the idea that many of us have not leared is that faith is not imortality or heaven or hell but our faith in ourselves and faith in our fellow man.      What scares me so bad is the fact that many people hide in this world of god. God is what created us what made us it is what we must ultitmley answer to. We answer as not flesh and blood but as a spirit we choose long before our mortal body goes where we go. We leave behind our bodys and enter into a realm to which we cannot comphrend. Our minds well never allow us to comprhend immortality but our souls can that is faith.      This faith belongs to no clan of self righteous humn being that think that becuse there rules that they follow our better then another. Se the truth is god does not have a check list of whos good and whos bad but rather he make the decision we have morals or as some calit a concous. This world is about the first stepping stone that we take this is a test can you live in an imperfect world and handle without cheating your fellow man. This is faith in yourself this life.      God gave us life it is our choice wether we use it to its follow view or we cash in early and take the easy way out. Is a gamble much like a stock in a company we own our own stock we have a value this is a value that we place. The question that you must ask yourself what value is yours. Our you a sellout our you willing to give up everything you have for an easy buck or our you willing to ride the rollercoaster of life following it rules so you can exsisit.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Management: Questions and Answers for Midterm Examination
Identify and describe the three levels of the organizational hierarchy. Which types of Information systems serve each level? Answer: The three levels of the organizational hierarchy: Senior Managers Middle Managers Operational Managers Types of Information systems serve each level: Operational-level systems: support operational mangers, keeping track of the elementary activities and transactions.Management-level systems: serve the monitoring, controlling, decision-making, and administrative activities of middle managers. Strategic-level systems: help senior management tackle and address strategic issues. 2- List and briefly describe the major types of system in organization? Answer: Transaction Processing Systems (TIPS): are the basic business systems that serve the operational level of the organization. And it is also a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business.Management Information Systems (MIS): serve the management level of the organization, providing managers with reports and often-online access to the organization's current performance and historical records and primarily serve the functions of planning, controlling, and decision-making. Decision-support System (ADS): also serve the management level or the organization. ADS help mangers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.MIS differ from SEES: MIS serve at management level and SEES serve at strategic level. 5- What are the characteristics for ADS? How do they differ from those of SEES? Answer: Characteristics for ADS: (Inputs: transaction level data; Processing: Interactive; Outputs: Decision analysis; Users: Professional and staff ADS differ from SEES: ADS revere at management level and SEES serve at strategic level and its characteristics are: Inputs: Aggregate data; Outputs: projections; Users: senior managers. – Describe the relationship between TIPS, MIS, and SEES. The relationsh ip between TIPS, MIS, and SEES: TIPS are typically a major source of data for other systems, data also be exchanged to MIS to produce reports, whereas SEES are primarily a recipient of date from lower-level systems. 7- List and describe the information systems serving each of the major functional areas of a business. Answer: Sale and Marketing Systems: SystemDescription Organizational Level Order processing Enter, process, and track orders Operational Pricing analysis Determine prices for products and services Management Sale and forecasting Prepare 5 years sales forecasts Strategic Manufacturing and Production Systems Machine control Control the actions of machines and equipment Production planning Facilities location Decide where to locate new production facilities. Finance & Accounting Systems Account Receivable Tracks money owed the firm Budgeting Prepares short-term budgets Profit planning Plans long-term profits Human Resource SystemsTraining and Development Tracks employee tr aining, skills, and performance appraisals Operational Compensation analysis Monitors the rang and distribution of employee wages, salaries, and benefits Human Resource planning Plans the long-term labor force needs of the organization 8- What is a business process? Give two examples of processes for functional areas of the business and one example of a cross functional process. Answer: Business process refer to sets of logically related activities for accomplishing a specific business result, and also refer to the unique ways in which organization and management coordinate these activities.Example for functional area of business process: (Finance and Accounting: paying creditors, creating financial statements and managing cash accounts); (Human Resources: hiring employees, evaluating employees' Job performance and enrolling employees in benefits plans) Example of a cross functional process: Order fulfillment process (Sales Department: Generate order and submit order; Accounting Dep artment: Check credit and approve credit and then Manufacturing & Production department: Assemble product and ship product, and finally Accounting Department: Generate invoice). Why are enterprise applications for organization-wide process integration? Answer: Organizations are trying to integrate their business processes because they want to enhance the performance of the organizations as a whole. The system takes advantage of corporate intranets and web technologies that enable the efficient transfer of information within the firm and to partner firms. And these systems are inherently cross-level, cross-functional, and business process oriented. The four key enterprise applications: Enterprise Systems, Supply Chain Management Systems,Customer Relationship Management Systems, and Knowledge Management Systems. 10- What are enterprise systems? How do they change the way an organization work? Enterprise Systems, also known as enterprise resource planning systems, provide a single info rmation system for organization-wide coordination and integration of key business processes. Information that was previously fragmented in different systems can seamlessly flow throughout the firm so that it can be shared by business processes in manufacturing, accounting, human resources, and other areas.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition of Retinitis Pigmentosa essays
Definition of Retinitis Pigmentosa essays Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is defined as a hereditary, progressive degeneration of the neuroepithelium of the retina characterized by night blindness and progressive contraction of the visual field. RP refers to a group of hereditary disorders that affect the retina's ability to respond to light. It primarily affects rod cells, or the photoreceptors responsible for night vision and seeing in dim light. Rod cells also account for peripheral vision. Cone cells can also be affected as the disease progresses. Cone cells are responsible for color vision and seeing RP is a relatively rare condition. It affects an estimated fifty thousand to one hundred thousand individuals in the United States. Worldwide, RP is estimated to affect 1.5 million people. The incidence of Ocular signs start with the breakdown of rod cells. Rods are present within the outside macula, or center of the retina. The peripheral retina is predominately composed of rod cells. Symptoms of RP usually manifest between the ages of 10 and 30. First, night vision decreases along with the ability to adjust to dim lighting. When the rod cells and outer cone cells are afflicted, the subsequent loss of peripheral sight leads to tunnel vision. Rate of progression for RP varies by individual patient and There is no treatment for RP. With proper care and diet, the progression of the disease can be slowed or halted. Researchers are investigating modes of therapy and treatment to possibly reverse the degeneration and restore patients' sight. How Retinitis Pigmentosa is diagnosed. Doctors use a standard array of tests when a patient is displaying symptoms of Retinitis Pigmentosa.[iii] These tests are used to determine loss of vision and to track the progression of the condition. An electroretinagram (ERG) measures the response of the retina to a light stimulus. Electrodes are placed be...
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