Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What Products Were Made from Whales in the 1800s
We all know that men set forth in sailing ships and risked their lives to harpoon whales on the open seas throughout the 1800s. And while Moby Dick and other tales have made whaling stories immortal, people today generally dont appreciate that the whalers were part of a well-organized industry. The ships that set out from ports in New England roamed as far as the Pacific in hunt of specific species of whales. Adventure may have been the draw for some whalers, but for the captains who owned whaling ships, and the investors which financed voyages, there was a considerable monetary payoff. The gigantic carcasses of whales were chopped and boiled down and turned into products such as the fine oil needed to lubricate increasing advanced machine tools. And beyond the oil derived from whales, even their bones, in an era before the invention of plastic, was used to make a wide variety of consumer goods. In short, whales were a valuable natural resource the same as wood, minerals, or petroleum we now pump from the ground. Oil From Whale’s Blubber Oil was the main product sought from whales, and it was used to lubricate machinery and to provide illumination by burning it in lamps. When a whale was killed, it was towed to the ship and its blubber, the thick insulating fat under its skin, would be peeled and cut from its carcass in a process known as â€Å"flensing.†The blubber was minced into chunks and boiled in large vats on board the whaling ship, producing oil. The oil taken from whale blubber was packaged in casks and transported back to the whaling ship’s home port (such as New Bedford, Massachusetts, the busiest American whaling port in the mid-1800s). From the ports it would be sold and transported across the country and would find its way into a huge variety of products. Whale oil, in addition to be used for lubrication and illumination, was also used to manufacture soaps, paint, and varnish. Whale oil was also utilized in some processes used to manufacture textiles and rope. Spermaceti, a Highly Regarded Oil A peculiar oil found in the head of the sperm whale, spermaceti, was highly prized. The oil was waxy, and was commonly used in making candles. In fact, candles made of spermaceti were considered the best in the world, producing a bright clear flame without an excess of smoke. Spermaceti was also used, distilled in liquid form, as an oil to fuel lamps. The main American whaling port, New Bedford, Massachusetts, was thus known as The City That Lit the World. When John Adams was the ambassador to Great Britain before serving as president he recorded in his diary a conversation about spermaceti he had with the British Prime Minister William Pitt. Adams, keen to promote the New England whaling industry, was trying to convince the British to import spermaceti sold by American whalers, which the British could use to fuel street lamps. The British were not interested. In his diary, Adams wrote that he told Pitt, â€Å"the fat of the spermaceti whale gives the clearest and most beautiful flame of any substance that is known in nature, and we are surprised you prefer darkness, and consequent robberies, burglaries, and murders in your streets to receiving as a remittance our spermaceti oil.†Despite the failed sales pitch John Adams made in the late 1700s, the American whaling industry boomed in the early to mid-1800s. And spermaceti was a major component of that success. Spermaceti could be refined into a lubricant that was ideal for precision machinery. The machine tools that made the growth of industry possible in the United States were lubricated, and essentially made possible, by oil derived from spermaceti. Baleen, or Whalebone The bones and teeth of various species of whales were used in a number of products, many of them common implements in a 19th century household. Whales are said to have produced â€Å"the plastic of the 1800s.†The bone of the whale which was most commonly used wasn’t technically a bone, it was baleen, a hard material arrayed in large plates, like gigantic combs, in the mouths of some species of whales. The purpose of the baleen is to act as a sieve, catching tiny organisms in sea water, which the whale consumes as food. As baleen was tough yet flexible, it could be used in a number of practical applications. And it became commonly known as whalebone. Perhaps the most common use of whalebone was in the manufacture of corsets, which fashionable ladies in the 1800s wore to compress their waistlines. One typical corset advertisement from the 1800s proudly proclaims, â€Å"Real Whalebone Only Used.†Whalebone was also used for collar stays, buggy whips, and toys. Its remarkable flexibility even caused it to be used as the springs in early typewriters. The comparison to plastic is apt. Think of common items which today might be made of plastic, and its likely that similar items in the 1800s would have been made of whalebone. Baleen whales do not have teeth. But the teeth of other whales, such as the sperm whale, would be used as ivory in such products as chess pieces, piano keys, or the handles of walking sticks. Pieces of scrimshaw, or carved whales teeth, would probably be the best remembered use of whales teeth. However, the carved teeth were created to pass the time on whaling voyages and were never a mass production item. Their relative rarity, of course, is why genuine pieces of 19th century scrimshaw are considered to be valuable collectibles today.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Historical Conflict Between Palestine And Israel - 1176 Words
On the 13th of September, 1993, a seldom moment between Israeli Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Liberation Organisation Chairman, Yasser Arafat marked a context in history. The Oslo Peace Accords had been written and signed by the two leaders – the newly found peace, marked with a single handshake. Unfortunately, this ideal of a non-violent and diplomatic future did not prevail. The peace process between Palestine and Israel failed due to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, subsequent to the handshake signalling the agreement. The continuity of this conflict initially caused by sovereignty and ultranationalism, has resulted in a current inability for both Palestine and Israel to come to terms with an agreeable, nonviolent, two state solution. The historical conflict between Palestine and Israel, the significance of the handshake, reactions, Rabin’s assassination and effects, as well as the current situation between Palestine and Israel will be discussed in order to account for the failure of the peace process. Firstly, the historical conflict between Palestine and Israel is both complex and extensive. In 1882, the Zionist movement sought to identify a place whereby Jewish people could create settlements. To the Jewish, Palestine appeared as the most optimal and logical place as it holds the site of Jewish Origin – Jerusalem. During the diaspora of World War 2, an increase in Jewish migration to Palestine created consciousness for the Palestinians. PreludingShow MoreRelatedIsrael Palestine Panel Reflection Paper852 Words  | 4 Pages Israel-Palestine Panel Reflection I grew up in a world with little insight into the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives Free Essays
Livery cab driver killings  the challenge that New York City had to combat and a situation that allowed authorities to prove that they were doing their job. The killing of livery cab drivers was a time that united the people of New York (Rashbaum, 2000). Livery cab driver killings had been a major problem in New York for over 30 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every year, policemen and the government had to deal with countless investigations to provide justice for dozens of killed drivers each year. Not only were the livery cab drivers killed  they were also robbed (Rashbaum, 2000). The people who had enough means and power to do something about it, like the government and the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, did something about it, and here are as follows: The New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers led by Fernando A. Mateo employed several safety measures to reduce livery cab driver killings. Mateo and his subordinates obliged all livery cab drivers to put bulletproof partitions inside the livery cabs. Because of this, the livery cab drivers were divided into parts where the livery cab driver was protected from his passenger who may have been a potential robber or murderer, through a wall or divider. While the wall or divider, or what the federation technically terms as partition, can prevent robbery, it obviously may not keep the livery cab drivers from murder at all since bullets can pass through walls. This possibility was a major concern of the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers. To counterattack what was left of the problem, the federation ordered livery cab drivers to use bulletproof partitions. Bulletproof material prevented the livery cab drivers from getting shot. To further make this protective measure effective, livery cab drivers were ordered to close the partitions all the time. While it was true bulletproof material was used as a shield from gun shots and other means of killing, these partitions still made a driver susceptible to killing once it is left open. The use of surveillance cameras was also ordered by the city and the federation. Through this, a livery cab driver was given the chance to put another eye at the passenger’s area. The driver can readily see the potential harms a passenger may do even before he does it. A passenger, for example, who releases a gun from his bag, will be readily seen by the driver. The time the potential murderer is releasing a gun is also the time a driver can call the police or employ other preventive measures to protect his own life. That time, every time a driver became suspicious of a passenger, he can readily report it to the policemen who were monitoring him through a secret alarm system. The city’s mayor, Rudolph W. Giuliani, showed his support for these safety measures by providing each livery cab driver with enough financial assistance. The city released $5 million worth of protection equipment. Each livery cab driver in New York City was given $325. This amount of money served as an assistance to pay for the needed equipment like partitions and bulletproofing. Surveillance cameras cost $700. This means that the city paid for half the total expense of a driver for one surveillance camera. If a driver chose to put up a partition inside his livery cab, then he may put up one which cost $275 on the average. The city, together with the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers, employed other preventive and protective measures without the use of material things. The city revised its law regarding the punishment for liver cab driver killers and robbers. Tougher sanction was applied in which another two to three years were added to the years a convict will have to spend in jail. Police decoy was also widely used. This was another preventive and protective measure to investigate murder and robbery cases more efficiently. With the use of police decoy, an officer pretended to be a livery cab driver. He went around the neighborhood to get passengers and picked up their fares. This was an effective step since robbery and murder reduced from 2,000 to 455 cases. The efficient investigation allowed for this impressive change in the statistics. Aside from police decoys who served as patrols, protection was maximized especially when livery cab drivers were required to stop at areas where there were police officers. These officers obliged drivers to pull over to see their current condition. The police officers ensure the safety and protection of drivers by checking the passengers. Police officers were able to prevent 50 possible livery cab driver killings by spotting 50 passengers with guns. Such intense conscious effort caused very pronounced victory than expected. Before 2000, no single year has passed without dozens of livery cab drivers being killed. When these aforementioned measures were employed, the year came when no single case of livery cab driver killing or robbery was reported. With this change in statistics, the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers and the government of New York City proved that with efficient action, achieving a goal becomes possible. Because of this, the federation and the city became more inspired with employing more measures to totally alleviate killings so that such victory won’t last for only a year. To maintain positive changes, the federation and the government worked hand in hand to put up tracking systems for the drivers. This way, the drivers were always monitored. The police tracked down the whereabouts of every livery cab driver. Adolfo Carrion, Jr., New York City’s councilman, was willing to co-sponsor this to further improve livery cab driver killings. In 2000, statistics dramatically changed from drastic to impressive when it comes to cases of killings. Every livery cab driver did not just begin to feel safer and more secured with his job  his children and wife patiently waiting at home were finally able to sleep soundly at night. All they needed to wait for was a goodnight kiss from their father. References: Michaelluo. (2004). Police Measures Avert Livery Cab Killings. New York Times. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from http://www.nytimes.com/2004/02/07/nyregion/07livery.html ?ei=5007en=f4b0e5806c7261cex=1391576400adxnnl=1partner= USERLANDadxnnlx=11143479799ScWbxozk+DIlE+9e5ddS Rashbaum, W. K. (2000). After Deaths, City Plans Millions for Livery Cab Safety. The New York Times. Retrieved December 1, 2007 from http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html ?res=950CE2DA1631F936A25757C0A9669C8B63    How to cite Conscious Efforts Equate to Saving Lives, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Project Management Technique For Wal-Mart †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Project Management Technique For Wal-Mart. Answer: Introduction The project that is selected for the application of theproject management technique in this report is that of the development of the website for the Wal-Mart in their business that would be helping them to support the administration and the support of their talent resources. The Wal-Mart is American multinational companies that are famous for their retail business. They run large number of departments and also run a large number of warehouse stores. The company has over 200 million employees employed for their departments and also is one of the largest retailers of the world. The report is concerned with the stakeholders and the details of the stakeholders that are related to the project and are also associated with the project. Stakeholder Analysis For the analysis of the stakeholders to be done at first the identification of the stakeholders are to be done. The stakeholders list: INTERNAL EXTERNAL Affected by the Project Process Owner of the organization The project Manager of the project The employees involved in the project Project team Staffs of the company The software providers The domain providers The third party company Competitors Affected by the Project Result The workers of the company The sponsors of the company The human resource department of the company The stakeholder identification and the prioritization matrix: STAKEHOLDER: Owner STAKEHOLDER: Human Resource Department STAKEHOLDER: Project Manager STAKEHOLDER: Employees What is important to this Stake Holder The owner of the company has the most important requirement for this project. The project would help the owner of the company to manage the resources that are in place for the organization and ultimately help them to increase the efficiency of the company and reduce the cost for the company. The human resource would also feel the project to be of utmost importance for them as this would help them in managing the human resources of the company quite well. The project manager would be playing a very important role in the project as he would be working as the leader of the project. The employees are one of the most important stakeholders for this project as they would be interested in the appraisal and the evaluation from the websites. Power The owner of the company has the most power for the company and also has the ultimate say on the project. (10) The power of the human resource department would not be much but they would be the ones that would be affected by the implementation of the website.(5) The power of the project manager would be quite high but his power would not be the highest though. (8) The power of the employees would be the least for the project. (5) Interest The owner has the most interest on the project as the project would directly affect the business of the owner. (10) The interest of the human resource department would also be very high. (8) The interest of the project manager would be quite high but not same as that of the owner or the HR department. (7) The interest of the employees would be very high for the project. (10) Influence The owner would have a very small influence on the overall project but he would be having the ultimate say on the project. (5) The human resource department would not have much of an influence on the project. (5) The project manager would be having the most influence on the project and would be having the direct influence on the project. (10) The influence of the employees on the project would be low comparatively. (5) Impact The owner would be impacting on the project as he would be one taking ht e most important decisions in the project. (7) The impact of the human resource department on the project would be quite low. (5) The impact of the project manager on the project would be quite high. (8) The employees would be having a the most impact on the project as they would be responsible for the completion of the project on time and with the allotted budget.(10) Urgency The owner would be having the maximum urgency as the completion of the project would enable the owner to profit from the project. (8) Although, the urgency would not be as high as the owners but they would be having a high rate of urgency for the project to be completed. (8) The project manager would be having the equal amount of influence on the project as that of the owner and the HR department. (8) The urgency of the employees would also be the most for the project. (10) Legitimacy The owner is the most legitimate stakeholder in the project. (10) The legitimacy of the human resource department would be quite high. (7) The legitimacy for the project manager would be quite high on the project. (8) The employees would be having a variable legitimacy for the project. (5) Total 50 33 49 45 Priority: Although the owner would not have the maximum priority but he would be having sufficient amount of priority. The HR department has a high priority but not has high as the rest The project manager is second in the list of priorities. The priority of the employees for the project is also quite high for the project. The alternate breaks for the project stakeholder matrix are provided below: SATKEHOLDER INTEREST IN PROJECT PRIORITY SUPPORT/MIGRATION STRATEGIES Staffs of the company High interest Key Supports the project team The sponsors for the project High interest Key Provides the fund for the project. The software providers Low interest Other Provide the software support for the project The domain providers Low interest Other The domain providers would be provide the domain services for the project. The third party vendors Low interest Other The third party vendors would aid the project externally. Project decision making guide Project Method When The Decision of the Sponsor The sponsor decides the project is viable for funding or not. The Decision of the Owner The owner takes the important decisions for the project. The Decision of the Project Manager The project manger will take the immediate decisions for the project. The decisions of the employees The technicians would be taking the important decisions regarding the technicalities in the project. Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix Stakeholders Unaware Resistance Neutral Supportive Leading Project manager C D Sponsor C D CEO C D Owner C D Communication Matrix Project communication plan Purpose Structure Methods Timing Discussing Project goal The existing organizational structure Meeting Conferences Email Weekly basis Setting of direction organizational structure Meeting Daily Cost management organizational structure Meeting Weekly Benefits of the project organizational structure Meeting Weekly Change management organizational structure Meeting Monthly Project meeting agenda Project team: Please fill Date: Please fill Time: Please fill Place: Please fill Purpose of the project documentation: The purpose for the discussion of the project is about the implementation of the website for the company so that they can evaluate the performances of the employees and can easily keep track of them. Topic for discussion: The discussions would be about the domain requirements of the website that is required by the company. Review agenda: The website that is to be implemented is to be reviewed. Summary: After the meeting was conducted the decision about the resource provider and the resource provider were discussed in the meeting and the providers were decided upon after the meeting. Meeting evaluation: The meeting would be conducted in the presences of the chairman headed by the CEO of the company. Issue to be discussed in the meeting Plus (+) Delta () The benefits of the website would be discussed. There are requirements for the expenses regarding the maintenance of the website. The benefits of the evaluation system would also be discussed. The evaluation system might also hamper the mentality of the company. Bibliography Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Heldman, K., 2015.PMPproject management professional exam deluxe study guide: updated for the 2015 Exam. John Wiley Sons. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013. Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Leach, L.P., 2014.Critical chain project management. Artech House. Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A.H., 2014. Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International journal of project management,32(2), pp.202-217. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons.
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